Is Your Supplement Safe? Try These Simple Tests to Know
How can you tell if a supplement is a fake? Watch this video to find out...
11 Mistakes People Make with Supplements
These supplement mistakes could harm your health.
The Best FREE Health Apps That Can Transform Your Life
Keep yourself healthy this year with the help of these great apps.
The Weirdest Cancer Case in All of History
Today, we're looking at the rarest cancer case in all of recorded history!
Now You Can Make Your Own Vitamin D Supplements at Home!
Vitamin D has incredible health benefits. Here's how you can make some Vitamin D supplements at home.
Drooping Eyelids Impairing Vision? Here Are The Options
Dr. Suarez explains various in-office invasive or un-invasive treatments meant to fix droopy eyelids.
This Crazy Magnetic Fluid Defies Gravity - Fascinating!
Have you ever heard of ferrofluids? These bizarre fluids develop spiky shapes when combined with magnets, and one day, they may be used in medicine...
First Aid Myths and Misconceptions You Must Be Aware Of
Paramedics help debunk some common myths related to first aid.
A Fun Poem About the Discovery of Vitamins A, B and C
The history of vitamins is closely linked with human exploration of the world. This charming rhyme will tell you the story of vitamins A, B, and C!
10 Things You Should Always Have in Your Medicine Cabinet
Here are 10 medical supplies doctors recommend keeping at home.
9 Natural and Proven Ways to Boost Testosterone Levels
Learn about the natural ways to boost testosterone levels in this informative guide.
Is It Possible to Create a UNIVERSAL Vaccine?
Scientists claim that a universal vaccine for the flu, or even more - one vaccine to combat all infectious diseases - is underway. Is that truly possible?
Scientists Discover a New Benefit of Drinking Coffee
Your coffee drinking habit is healthier than you think. Scientists have recently discovered one more reason to enjoy a daily cup of coffee or two.
A Vaccine for Alzheimer's?
A groundbreaking first-of-its-kind vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease has shown promise.
These Creepy Diseases from History Are Still Around TODAY
Measles, scurvy, typhoid fever, the plague - we think of these diseases as a thing of the past. Alas, these ailments continue tormenting people to this day...
3D Printing Bones - Is It Possible?
As incredible as this sounds, scientists have learned to 3D print bones using living cells!
14 Superb Charts That Will Teach You Something Useful!
These 14 charts and maps are here to teach you lots of fun and practical lessons. We can almost guarantee that you’ll find something worth saving and returning to!
COVID-19 - 6 Important Developments to Be Aware Of
With variants of COVID-19 emerging every month now and new vaccines being approved and tested, this month has been quite dense in terms of Covid news...
13 Medical Phrases Every Patient Must Know
We guarantee that you will learn some useful medical lingo from this article and gain a deeper understanding of your own health.
Warning! This New Smartphone Can Meddle With Pacemakers
Cardiologists are alarmed that the new iPhone 12 could disrupt the work of pacemakers and cardioverter-defibrillators (ICDs). Are these concerns warranted?
Woke Up With a Stiff Neck? How to Treat and Prevent It
In this article, we explain how you can reduce your chances of getting a stiff neck and how to reduce the symptoms when it does occur.
2 Billion People Are Deficient in This Nutrient
Iodine deficiency affects one-third of the world population. The condition manifests itself through many uncomfortable and sometimes severe symptoms.
4 Simple Hand Exercises to Alleviate Arthritis Pain
If you’re looking for instant arthritis relief, exercises are probably the best option. They help reduce stiffness, relieve pain & strengthen your hands over time.
4 Simple Exercises to Reduce Vertigo and Dizziness
If you are suffering from vertigo or unexplained dizziness, try these simple exercises to relieve the annoying and unbearable spinning sensation.
Can Science Achieve a Universal Blood Type?
We know our blood types to be an inherent unchangeable genetic feature, but there might be a way to create a universal blood type. Watch to find out more.