This Week in Health Tips!
Learn more ways to care about your health and well-being with these informative health tips.
Avoid the Dentist With 12 Golden Rules for Oral Hygiene
Does the idea of the dentist make you nervous just thinking about it? Here are 12 tips to keeping your oral hygiene healthy and reducing your dental visits.
Is the Cure for Cancer Hiding In This Tiny Animal?
This article describe recent findings about cancer treatment with relation to the cancer-resistance of a small rodent.
Heart Arrhythmia: What is it and How to Live With It
In this video, we'll explain what arrhythmias are, their different types, and how to manage them.
How to Interpret Your Complete Blood Count (CBC) Yourself
This article explains all you need to know about your complete blood count (CBC) test results.
This Family Drives People to the Hospital For Free
Take a look at the inspiring story of this family from India that has been riding people to the hospital for free.
The Insane Objects Doctors Remove From Our Bodies
you're about to find out for yourself just how crazy the kind of objects doctors pull out of people are.
6 Weird and Creepy Medical Tools of the Past
After seeing these weird and creepy medical devices of the past, you’ll be thankful you live in the 21st century. Take a look for yourself.
This Advanced Test Offers Priceless Info about Your Health
Microbiome tests map our gut bacteria and assign the perfect individual diet
Do You Know How to Avoid Numbness of the Hands?
Recent studies have shown that a frequent sensation of numbness in the hands can be dangerous. Here are a few ways to prevent the problem.
10 Conditions You Think You Have, But You Likely Don't
10 conditions you think you have, but most likely, you don't.
Learn What Your Complete Blood Count Results Mean
Learn How to Diagnose and Treat a Skin Bump
If you've got a lump on your skin, here's what you can do about it.
Scientists Create a Human Heart in a Lab
After a new breakthrough in the United States, it looks like scientists will be able to grow synthetic hearts in the coming years. Take a look.
This Video Proves That a Dog REALLY Is Man's Best Friend!
A highly trained medical dog will instantly react to changes in its owner's behavior. Here's how they are trained at home.
BREAKING: Your Next X-Ray Could Be in 3D and in Color!
Learn about the MARS scanner, which is a new type of X-Ray being developed that displays everything in color and is fully 3D.
Researchers Have Managed to Actually Reverse Dementia...
Dementia doesn't yet have a cure, but the world is a step closer to having one after researchers managed to reverse the illness in mice. Read on to learn more.
Doctors Reveal: How to Keep that Adhesive Bandage Sticking!
This simple trick will get adhesive bandages to stay on securely, properly protecting your wound from exposure to infection.
Here Are Some Medical Advances That We Can Expect in 2018!
Things move fast in the medicine world, but if predictions about what to expert in this coming year prove to be true, things might move a lot faster than usual!
Some Medical Cases Are So Bizarre That They Beggar Belief
Many unusual medical cases occur around the world each year, but some are undoubtedly stranger than others. Take a look at the strangest of 2017.
These 10 Medical Treatments Are Often Not Needed!
Here are ten diagnostic procedures and treatments that were overused during 2016.
This Miracle Gel Can Seal Wounds in Under a Minute
Have you heard about the latest scientific development that could save millions of lives in the future? Read all about the amazing MeTro surgical gel here.
The 6 Best Treatments to Hide a Hypertrophic Scar
This type of scar is extremely visible. Here are 6 treatments to help reduce its appearance.
13 Reasons Why Your Memory Is Letting You Down
Have you become more forgetful lately? There could be numerous reasons for that happening. Read on to find out 13 possible reasons why you keep forgetting.
Living Happily into Your 90s is Not as Hard as You Thought
Life expectancy has increased and living into your 90s is commonplace, however living well requires some attention. Here are tips for fulfilling golden years.