These People Took Their Hobby to the Next Level
These people are living examples of the mastery of a hobby.
Satoshi Kamiya, Known For the MOST Complex Origami Figures
Straight from Japan comes origami expert Satoshi Kamiya, a paper folding master with a focus on real and mythical animals
These Insightful Quotes Are From India's Greatest Sages
Some of the most spiritual people ever to live hailed from India, and left us with many famous quotes to ponder. Here are 16 quotes from India's greatest teachers.
YouTube: The Complete User Guide!
After you've read these 12 tips for using YouTube, you'll be well on your way to becoming a YouTube Master.
The Ultimate Computer Guide Collection
A comprehensive collection of computer tips for beginners and intermediates.
Looking for a New Hobby? Learn How to Crochet
This playlist will teach you the basic skills you will need to successfully navigate the world of crocheting.
This Family Makes Art. The Beach is Their Canvas
This family creates art together! Imagine what it would be like to wander on the beach and see their work in progress.
Reality and Fantasy Clash in This Artist's Unique Works
This artist amazes us with her ability to create complete worlds in tiny spaces.
Make a Clay Pot at Home With No Special Equipment
What if we told you that you don't need ANY tools but your own two hands to start pottery? The rest can be found in your kitchen.
Wise Words From the Man Who Invented X-Ray Technology!
Nikola Tesla, the scientist to who invented the Tesla coil, left us with numerous inventions and these words of wisdom
Need Inspiration? Ernest Hemingway Quotes Will Do the Trick
Read through these inspiring quotes by Ernest Hemingway.
Spruce Up Your Garden With These Brilliant DIY Ideas
This brilliant video contains 16 different DIY ideas that are perfect for any garden. What's more, they couldn't be any simpler to make!
This Animated Short Movie Brought a Tear to My Eye!
Watch 'Farewell,' a short animated movie that is bound to touch your heart.
Here's How to Make Your Own Fabulous Christmas Decorations
Check out these simple and festive craft ideas, that'll make this Christmas one to remember for years to come!
Make Your Life So Much Easier with These Awesome Websites!
Discover 12 of the handiest websites around, that you'll find yourself coming back to again and again.
16 Simple Paper Craft Tutorials You Can Make Right Now!
Feeling creative? The 16 paper craft tutorials are detailed and easy to follow, so get out your scissors and give them a go!
Make Your Day Better with These Comforting Words
We can sometimes have bad days just because of something small happening. In these moments, we should seek inspiration. Enjoy these uplifting quotes and phrases
An Inspiring Word Is Forever Heard...
Words are important because words are immortal. They resonate down and up the centuries, giving us better ideas and explaining existing ones.
This Romanian Artist Redefines Glass Art
She makes marine life-themed glass vessels of all sorts: wine glasses, small glasses, bottles, pitchers, and even ceramic vessels.
Amazing What You Can Do With Cardboard, Scissors, and Glue
Enjoy the works of Japanese artist Monami Ohno. She is very particular about using only one type of cardboard: recycled Amazon boxes.
Delicate, Colorful, Magical: the Work of Stéphanie Kilgast
Explore the enticing worlds unfolding in Stéphanie Kilgast's works of art.
These Artists Turn Musty Old Shoes Into Colorful Art
They make these sculptures by hand, and this video will show you their artistic process.
Tiny, Hand-Crafted Forest Animals? Yes Please!
It almost seems like these critters are about to jump out of the screen! In one word- lovely!
These DIY Toys Couldn't Be Easier to Make!
Whether you're looking for a new hobby or a way to save yourself a fortune on kids' toys and activities, this video box has certainly got you covered!
I Never Knew Crochet Could Be So Artistic!
In this article, we'd like to introduce you to 3 different crochet artists who took their craft to the next level!