Do You Have a Magnesium Deficiency? Here's How to Know
Did you know that, even though you might be unaware of it, you may be suffering from a magnesium deficiency. Read on to find out if you are.
The Mineral That Could Solve Nighttime Bathroom Trips
Discover how this mineral could transform your sleep.
These 5 Nutrient Deficiencies Are Awfully Common
Nutrient deficiencies are more common than think, especially these 5 that often cause a whole myriad of uncomfortable and dangerous symptoms
90% of the Population are Deficient in This Nutrient
90% of Americans are deficient in choline, but is this nutrient important to begin with? Find out in this article
WATCH: Heed These Signs to Know If You're Iron-Deficient
Iron is mineral that is vital to human health. If the body does not get enough, then this could have consequences. Learn the tell-tale signs of iron deficiency.
Unusual Signs of Vitamin B3 Deficiency You Mustn't Ignore
You may not realize you have Vitamin B3 deficiency!
11 Warning Signs of a Nutrient or Vitamin Deficiency
You might not be getting enough nutrients, and you don't even know it. Watch out for these signs!
2 Billion People Are Deficient in This Nutrient
Iodine deficiency affects one-third of the world population. The condition manifests itself through many uncomfortable and sometimes severe symptoms.
Which Vitamin Deficiency Causes Bruises?
If you're getting bruises but can't recall taking a hit, maybe you're deficient in a certain vitamin. Learn the science here.
Vitamin D Deficiencies Are NOT Caused By Sunblock
If you're not sure whether sun exposure is dangerous to your health and how often you should wear sunscreen, here is what you need to know.
Potassium Deficiency Is On the Rise - What You Should Know
Learn why potassium is so important for our bodies, how to detect a potassium deficiency, its causes, and symptoms in this guide.
6 Signs of a Zinc Deficiency and How to Balance it Out
Zinc deficiency can cause a number of problems in the body. Find out if you're deficient and what foods can help balance it out.
Vitamin K - Health Benefits, Sources & Signs of Deficiency
This underrated vitamin plays a crucial role in bone health, heart health, and wound healing.
Enrich Your Blood: 10 Natural Remedies for Iron Deficiency
Amazingly, more than 2 billion people suffer from iron deficiency, but most of us don't know how to improve our iron levels. Here are 10 natural ways you can.
These 12 Symptoms May Mean You Have An Iron Deficiency
Iron deficiency is an extremely common problem that affects the body's ability to transport oxygen and provide us with vital energy. But what are the symptoms?
6 Signs of Fiber Deficiency You Should Be Aware Of
What happens to your body when it doesn’t get enough fiber?
7 Subtle Symptoms of Vitamin D Deficiency to Be Aware Of
Here's a look at some of the most important signs and symptoms of vitamin D deficiency that you should be aware of.
10 Warning Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency You Should Beware
This essential vitamin is important for our overall wellbeing. Are you deficient in vitamin C? Here are the symptoms you should look out for.
If You Don't Laugh at These, You Are Irony-Deficient...
The Irony Is Strong in These Photos...
Vitamin D Deficient? Make Sure to Stock Up on These Foods!
These food items are filled with Vitamin D, an important nutrient that promotes immunity and bone strength, and should be added to your diet
The Main Mineral Deficiency Causing Aging Spots
Find out what causes aging spots and how you can treat them.
3 Juices to Get Rid of Pesky Migraines
These three juices will provide you with all the magnesium, calcium, and potassium that you need to keep migraines at bay.
6 Natural Ways to Prevent Excessive Water Retention
Edema or excessive water retention is caused by many things. Here we tackle 6 common causes, and explain how to fight back.
These 4 Delicious Juices Will Remedy Your Sleep Problems
If you struggle to get a good night's rest, these 4 juices will help!
These 10 Vital Nutrients Will Help Boost Your Mood!
Here are some of the most important supplements for those dealing with the symptoms of anxiety, depression, stress, or other mood-sabotaging conditions.