5 Reasons Why Your Cat Goes Outside of the Litter Box
Did your cat start using other places in your home as a toilet? Keep reading to learn why it exhibits this troubling behavior and what you can do about it.
Mariah Reading’s Landscape Art Has an Important Twist
Recycled Landscapes is an beautiful and uniqe art project which depicts the harm of pollution on nature in a quirky and original way.
Here's What Happens to the Plastic That You Throw Away
Have you ever wondered what happens to all the plastic you throw away?
How to Become Your Cat's Favorite Person
Become your kitty's favorite person in the world with these clever tricks!
11 of Every Cat's Favorite Things
Boxes, cat music, and running water - these are just three things scientifically proven to be on the list of your cat's favorite things in the world.
Alaska Is Even More Magnificent Than You Think
Experience the stunning beauty of Alaska's wilderness through this beautiful documentation of an 11 day cruise up the coast of Alaska.
12 Vibrant Natural Landscapes Made with Thread and Needle
Embroidery artist Vera Shimunia captures the beauty and vibrancy nature in her art. From mountain terrains to lovely sunsets, here is some oh her best work.
15 Powerful Photos Capturing the Drama of Nature
From powerful landscaped to majestic wildlife, we just had to to share 15 more of the winning images form the Tokyo International Foto Awards.
How Humans Helped Cats Take Over the World
The relationship between humans and cats goes back as far as 9,500 years. How did it al start? And how did humans help cats essentially take over the world?
How to Get a Cat to Like You – 10 Science-Backed Tips
Want your cat to love you more? These science-backed tips might just do the trick.
These Stunning Spots Around the World Deserve Recognition
If you still need proof that planet Earth is stunning, take a look at these incredible displays of beauty around the world
15 Photos That Show Why There’s Nothing Purer Than Nature
Take a look at some of the best winning images of nature from the 2020 Tokyo International Foto Awards.
22 Award-Winning Photos That Capture the Power of Nature
The International Photography Awards has many categories, but today, we will focus on nature, with 22 stunning highlights from the 2020 competition.
Award Winning Panoramic Photos From All Over the World
The talented winners of the EPSON Pano Awards photography contest offer absolutely breathtaking panoramic views
Cat Owners Fall Within These Five Distinct Categories
According to a new study, there are five different kinds of cat owners. Find out which one are you.
Dancing is Even Better Against a Beautiful Landscape
The two most beautiful things to watch are dancing and nature. So why not combine the two? This video does it accurately.
These Landscape Photos Won Awards for a Good Reason
The winners of The International Landscape Photographer of the Year contest have been announced, and it’s the perfect excuse to gaze at their stunning pictures.
This Photographer Captured the Majesty of Maine Coon Cats
Photographer Robert Sijka is a cat aficionado, and he also happens to be an excellent photographer. Take a look at his work with Maine Coon cats.
Feline Love: 15 Moments of Cats Enjoying Affection
Take a look at these 15 adorable cats that will prove to you that love is still alive.
15 Stunning Photos of the World's Largest Feline
15 photographs that prove once again the splendor and majesty of the Asian tiger.
These Artists Turn Musty Old Shoes Into Colorful Art
They make these sculptures by hand, and this video will show you their artistic process.
Aerial View of World's Largest Airplane Graveyard
Aerial photos show patterns we wouldn't notice otherwise!
Why Do Cats Like Catnip?
Are they really getting "high," or is there scientific logic behind cats' love of catnip?
Cat vs. Invisible Maze – Who Will Win?
This cat owner built his cat an invisible' maze with walls and a ceiling. Can the feline overcome this challenge?
Caracal: The Sly Predator That Uses Stealth and Speed
The caracal is one of Africa's fiercest and most regal-looking hunters.