What Does Your Kid Think of Your Favorite Childhood Food?
These kids are trying out their parents favorite foods from their childhood. Do you think your kids will eat what you ate as a kid?
The 10 Don'ts of Grandparenting You Must Always Remember
Avoid these common pitfalls of grandparenting to build a strong bond with your grandchild.
Hilarious: American Kids Trying Foreign Breakfasts
When US kids try breakfasts from other countries, things get very funny...and cute!
When Kids Try Gourmet Foods. Hilarious.
would a child appreciate the most expensive foods in the world?
Watching Kids Trying to Use a VCR Player Is Too Funny!
You've just got to see these kids' hilarious reactions when given a working VCR player and a bunch of VHS tapes!
Watching Kids Try New Foreign Breakfasts Is Too Funny!
Who needs food critics when you have kids? This time, a team of American kids cracks down on the most important meal of the day -breakfast
How Good Are Your Reflexes? Try These Exercises with Kids
Here are 5 great and fun activities to test your reflexes.
Tiny, Crazy Hairdressers: When Kids Try Styling Themselves!
These kids decided to give themselves a new look. Unfortunately, the results didn't quite turn out as planned. Still funny as can be though!
10 Fantastic DIY Tips Ideas for Kids You Have to Try
Whether you've a lot of time or just a little, there are some DIY tips here that will breathe new life into your child-grandparent relationship.
Kids Then vs. Kids Today!
They don't make them like they used to...
The Cutest Kids of 2013!
We dare you to get through these photos of the cutest kids of 2013 without uttering letting out an 'awwwww...'!
Is This Kid Made Of Rubber??
This amazing kid seems to be made of different stuff, as he jumps, flips and amazes the audiance, and us, with his unbelieveable bodily control, agility and power!
The Rooms Kids Dream About
These unique and creative room design for children utilize a sense of fun and whimsy, while giving the child a place they like to hang around in more often than not, while having something to do with kids come for play time!
Riddle Collection: 28 Riddles For Kids!
Take our advice and share this riddle collection with anyone who has kids at home, or try them yourself to remind yourself being a kid isn't as easy as you may remember! They think very creatively...
These Kids Are Too Young to Be This Rich!
These kids are proof that with hard work, dedication, and quite frankly, some genius, you can retire at age 16!
This Kid is Too Young to Be THIS Good!
Not yet two-and-a-half years old, Titus shows off his new game with series of shots, each more difficult than the last!
Kids Write the Darnedest Things...
Being a teacher can be a difficult job, especially with small children. However...
Trying to Cut Meat from Your Life? Try These Substitutes!
Vegetable and plant-based meat substitutes that are juicy, savory and rich in proteins and vitamins.
In Need of a Good Laugh? Try These Cartoons!
Need a smile? Try this collection of goofy, silly and hilarious cartoons!
These Kids Are Already Little Athletes...
This children are each incredible in their own way, performing stunts you wouldn't believe they could.
These Kids' Anti-Bullying Message is Inspiring
An anti-bullying song that is sung by kids for kids.
Hilarious! Kids Aren't as Polite as They Used to Be
20 hilarious instances that show that politeness really isn't something kids are good at.
32 Great Ideas For Painting With Kids
Enjoy some real creative ideas and projects with kids or with a fun-loving adult.
Funny: Kids vs. Bad Gifts!
Kids can be great, happy creatures. That is, until they discover you didn't get them the gifts they wanted!
This Food Art of Kids' Favorite Characters Is Remarkable!
One mom turns her child's meals into amazing food art. Here are 20 of her greatest dishes.