We Need To Use These Bizarre Idioms More Often
Here are some interestingly odd phrases and idioms that are so pertinent that they have to make their way across oceans and seas.
The Idiom Quiz!
We've got a challenging English quiz for you today, where we ask you to complete idioms of the English language...
English Challenge: Complete the 12 Idioms!
Help us complete these 12 incomplete idioms!
We Bet You Never Knew the Origins of These Common Idioms!
We bet you use the following 8 common idioms all the time, but have you ever stopped to take the time to think about where they came from?
Say What? 17 Idioms with Hilarious Translations
We translated 17 idioms and phrases from different languages into English, and the results are absolutely hilarious, but also very confusing
These Age-Old Idioms Date Back to the Renaissance!
The expressions listed here all sound contemporary, but they're almost half a millennium old.
Cute Illustrations to Help You Understand Norwegian Idioms
Learning idioms can be fun, isn't it? These funny and cute illustrations will help you understand Norwegian idioms.
15 Quirky Spanish Idioms That'll Brighten Your Day
Who doesn’t love a funny idiom? Today, let’s learn about some hilariously quirky Spanish idioms.
15 Idioms From Overseas That Sound Hilarious in English
English is by far not the only language in the world with funny sayings. Just take a look at these 15 hilarious idioms from different languages around the world.
Ancient Wisdom: Timeless Chinese Idioms and Proverbs
Learn life lessons from these ancient Chinese proverbs and idioms.
QUIZ: How Many Idioms Do You Know?
Let's see how many you know...
How 10 Ordinary English Idioms and Phrases Began...
Many English phrases and idioms have fascinating histories behind them, here is a selection of 10 astounding examples.
15 Proverbs That Translate Hilariously into English!
Here are 15 phrases and idioms that don’t translate that well into English because they sound absolutely bizarre, mind-boggling, and hilarious!
10 Unusual ANIMAL Sayings and Their Intriguing Origins
Enjoy this collection of funny, weird, and amazing animal-related idioms from different languages.
Language History: The Origins of 7 Common Phrases
Let's delve deep into history and travel all the way back to Ancient Rome to reveal the origins of 7 common food-related expressions in the English language.
The History Behind Commonly Used Phrases You Never Knew
Do you know the origins of these 10 phrases?
Learn the History Behind These Commonly Used Phrases
11 New English Words That Are Actually USEFUL To Know
The majority of new English words are very short-lived, but these were added to various dictionaries and seem to be quite useful to know
QUIZ: Do You Really Know These Common Phrases In English?
Is your English as good as you think it is?
The MOST Shocking False Etymologies in English
If a word's history sounds too good, it probably is.
15 Photos That are Worth Much More Than A Thousand Words
Sometimes, as the following 15 fantastic photos prove, a picture is worth a lot more than a thousand words. Take a look and we're sure you'll agree!
10 Common Phrases You’re Probably Saying Wrong
You’ve misused these sayings for years!
12 Gorgeous Fruit Pies That Look TOO Good To Eat!
Karin Pfeiff-Boschek bakes pies with mesmerizing geometric and floral arrangements that are a true feast for both the eyes and the stomach!
This Artist Sees Whimsical Figures Hidden in the Clouds
Artist Monse Ascencio likes looking up in the clouds and imagining the cute and whimsical figures in the sky.
These Unlikely Objects Can Be Serious Fire Hazards!
Mirrors and reflective surfaces, in general, are way more dangerous and creepy than we think! These 11 photos are proof of just that!