André Rieu Amazes Us With a Gorgeous "I Will Survive"!
André Rieu joins forces with powerhouse singer Dorona Alberti to sing "I Will Survive".
How to Survive a Lightning Strike!
An easy and helpful guide to avoid being hit by lightning, and how to survive it.
Joke: The Science of Survival
An Anthropology professor travels around Africa...
Tips for Making a Handy Survival Garden
Here are a few important yet simple tips for making a survival vegetable garden during this pandemic situation.
Will Your English Survive This Quiz?
This advanced English quiz has questions on many different topics of the English language.
The Rule of Three: Survival Myths DEBUNKED
This video delves into the human physical limits and breaks a few persistent survival myths.
10 Great Tips For Surviving The Summer
The summer is already here and it feels like you're just melting away. I know how that feels, so I gathered up a bunch of useful tips to help you keep your summer cool!
25 Survival Stories that Are Hard to Believe.
These 25 survival stories have reminded me, once again, of the some people's unbreakable spirit.
Collection: The Most Incredible Survival and Rescue Stories
What can beat an amazing heroic real life story? Here's a collection of our best posts about incredible survival and rescue stories one can never forget.
Alligator vs. Eel: Who Will Survive?
Eels can stun fish and other small prey in less than a second, but what happens when he'll try to shock a croc?
This is How You Can Survive a Plane Crash
Plane crashes are usually considered unsurvivable events. However, science says that you can survive it if you follow these tips.
Are You Smart Enough to Survive in the Wild West?
This test will help you decide whether you've got the skills and knowledge necessary to survive in the Wild West.
How to Survive Being Bitten by a Snake
Learning how to deal with a snake bite might just save your life one day!
Astonishing! These WWII Soldiers Survived Against the Odds
These World War II soldiers all suffered terrible ordeals, but they managed to survive against all odds. Here are 6 incredible survival stories from World War II.
Can Your English Survive This Quiz?
Checklist: Hurricane Aftermath Survival and Tax Relief
The storm has come and gone, and now it's time to pick up the pieces. Where do I start? How can the government help me?
16 Survival Gadgets for Any Emergency Situation
These cool gadgets can be extremely useful in any emergency situation.
This Touching Video Follows a Dog Who Just Wants to 'Survive'
This touching video follows a singing dog who enlists some furry friends to help him 'survive'. It is certain to make you a smile, but carries an important message too.
Test Yourself: Would You Survive in the Wild West?
Six Incredible Stories of People Who Survived the Titanic
On the tragic night of the Titanic, there were some who managed to survive. Here are six 'lived to tell' inspiring stories.
Here's a Survival Skill Only Physics Can Teach You!
Have you ever wondered what you would do if the elevator you were in began falling? This video has a few things to consider!
Wow! How Did These Children Survive These Ordeals?
Children are amazingly resilient. These six children suffered terrible ordeals, but they all managed to survive against all odds.
Just How Did These People Survive These Insane Situations?
Check out this incredible video featuring survival stories of ten people who made it out alive through impossible situations.
Learn How to Survive Being Bitten by a Snake
Believe These 5 Survival Myths at Your Own Peril...
These common survival myths are actually dangerous.