WARNING: Birth Control increases Risk of Breast Cancer?!
Some new research has added to the increasing pile of evidence that taking hormonal contraceptives increases your chances of developing breast cancer.
7 Kinds of Food Known to Cause Adult Acne
There is a significant link between adult acne and diet. These 7 food types are known to cause acne in adults
Hormonal Mechanisms for Weight Loss
Learn the hormonal mechanisms behind weight loss and loose skin, and the natural measures to balance it out for a younger appearance.
Reset Your Hormones with This Guide and Banish Fat!
Your hormones could be effecting your weight. This is how to reset your hormones.
Balance Your Hormones Naturally With These 10 Useful Tips
A hormonal imbalance can wreak havoc on your health. Here are 10 natural ways to heal your hormones.
These Hormones Have a Huge Impact on Your Weight & Health!
While there are over 50 hormones in the human body, we are going to take a look at six most important ones that are crucial for good health.
These Hormones Have a Huge Impact on Your Weight & Health
Here's How to Control These 9 Weight Gaining Hormones
If you're having problems losing weight, it could be due to hormone imbalances. Here are 9 proven ways of keeping control of your hormones and your weight.
Reset Your Hormones with This Guide to Banish Fat!
These Hormones Hugely Influence Your Weight & Health
Do You Have a Hormone Imbalance? Look for These Signs...
The hormones in our blood help control how our body functions, yet sometimes they can go a little haywire. Here are 11 signs to look out for hormone imbalance.
Ever Wondered How Hormones Work? Well, Wonder No More...
Ever wondered how hormones work? Well, wonder no more as this informative TED-Ed video explains all!
These Methods Will Help Trick Your Hormones to Lose Weight
Science discovered that hormones and chemicals may be the cause of your weight gain. We will teach you to trick your hormones into making your body lose weight.
How to Naturally Get More Dopamine, the Happy Hormone
Dopamine is what makes us feel motivated, energized, and like we're the best version of ourselves. Here's how you can boost dopamine levels the natural way.
Discover Which Hormone Imbalances Can Lead to Weight Gain
The body produces a number of different hormones to function optimally, but the 9 you're about to read about are among the most important of all. r
Ever Wondered How Hormones Work? Well, Wonder No More!
The Cause of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Has Been Discovered
Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most common cause of female infertility in women. Discover its effects and possible cure here.
I Never Knew Hugs Could Be So Good For A Person's Health!
Hugs are great for a whole myriad of health reasons, some of which include lowering blood pressure and reducing stress and anxiety. Here are 10 reasons to hug.
10 Tell-Tale Signs That You Might Have Hypothyroidism
Hypothyroidism is a condition that tends to remain unknown, because its symptoms are often related to other things. Here are 10 signs of hypothyroidism.
How Does Your Brain Work And How Can You Make It Stronger
Many of our emotional bursts are often caused by the secretion of hormones by the brain. High or low levels of these chemicals can be injurious to health, so use these tips to stay healthy
The Real Connection Between Stress and Weight Gain
Why does stress make us gain weight and how can we stop it before it becomes a habit?
Everything You Need To Know About Excessive Hair In Women
What is excess hair growth in women and when should it be a reason for concern
Is Your Thyroid Working Properly? 11 Signs to Check
Suffer from any of these 11 conditions? You may have hyperthyroid or a hypothyroid condition.
Is Your Thyroid Working Properly? Checklist These 11 Signs
4 Internal Reasons Why You Can't Lose Weight
There are many reasons why we gain weight, but some are not often talked about. Here are four internal reasons why you might be gaining weight.