The Future Will Be Fast With These High-Speed Trains
Take a look at some high-speed trains of the future and imagine what a thrill it would be to ride in them.
The Blindfolded Swordsman - Intense!
Aaron Crow follows a long line of circus performers on the show, with a dangerous act that leaves the judges speechless.
The Most Intense Moments of Forumla 1!
Enjoy this intense video of some of the most incredible moments in the history of this amazing race.
The History of One of the Fastest Trains on Earth
The history and inner workings of Japanese bullet trains, which are some of the highest-speed trains on the planet
Why Hover Trains Failed to Become the Trains of the Future
These trains were supposed to be much faster and better than traditional ones. But what happened to hover trains? Where did they go?
The Most Intense Moment in Natural History...
This struggle between different groups of animals shows the harsh reality of living in the wild.
The Intense B&W Photography of Benoit Courti!
Dark, gritty and beautiful - these are the words used to describe these works...
Will There Soon Be a High Speed Railway System in the US?
The US has the largest railway network on the planet, but it’s hardly being used for domestic travel. Luckily, this may soon change...
Hop Aboard These Incredible Model Trains
Explore the fascinating world of model trains.
Achieve Total Relaxation With Autogenic Training
Autogenic training is a wonderful relaxation technique that helps you beat stress and anxiety.
Joke: Detectives in Training
A policeman was interrogating 3 guys who were training to become detectives.
A Toy Train in Space!
This father sure knows how to make his son happy. At 4 years old, this dad's son has a playmate - his toy train named stanley. They do everything together. So this dad decided to do something no other kid's dad has done - send his favourite toy to sp
The Best of High Performance Vehicles in 2013
Here's a look at some of the amazing advances made in the realm of high performance vehicles.
High Speed Rail Lines In the US - Is It Possible?
Construction on California's first high-speed railway began over 20 years ago, yet it is nowhere near completed. Why was the project such a flop?
Traveling In This Train Will Be An Incredible Experience!
Japanese Maglev L0 has now become the world’s fastest bullet train. Let’s find out more about it.
These Are the 10 of the Fastest Trains On the Planet...
Trains are a huge part of how we get things from place to place. But which are the fastest, and why is that?
This Has Got to Be the Best Trained Cat in the World
Everyone thinks that it's only dogs that can be trained, but this cat proves otherwise.
Could There Ever Be a Train From China to the USA?
Learn about the Chinese plan to connect the USA and China via an underwater train...
Iconic Trains That Reshaped the Course of History
Here is a look at some of the most important trains in history that went on to reshape the course of events in the world in their time.
The Intense Colors of These Animals Are Simply Astonishing
Though a lot of animals keep themselves to themselves, this collection of vibrant beasties want the world to see their colorful beauty!
These Are the Most Incredible Trains Ever Built
While many trains in operation today are no more than a means of very mundane transport, these 10 amazing trains will be remembered forever.
Experience the Beauty of Sri Lanka on This Train Ride
Sri Lanka has some of the most spectacular mountain sights. You can experience their beauty in this scenic train ride.
Looking at a 100 Years of High School Fashions...
Here's what high schoolers wore each decade of the 20th century.
10 Surprising Foods that Are Pretty High in Sugar
If you're trying to cut back on sugar, here are 10 foods that you should avoid.
Explore the World on These Overnight Train Rides
These sleeper trains offer unforgettable journeys.