These Harrowing Photos Prove That Helmets Save Lives!
If you ever needed proof that helmets save lives, these 8 photos are just that!
The Invisible Bicycle Helmet - Fascinating!
Bicycle helmets have always posed a problem - how to make the many people who don't like to wear helmets - wear a helmet? The risks of head injury are the number 1 concern when riding on bicycles or motorbikes, and riders that don't like to wear helm
7 Ancient Helmets That Will Blow Your Mind
In this article, we will be taking an up-close look at 7 ancient helmets and their archeological, cultural, and historical background.
Why Is This Adorable Kitten Wearing a Helmet?
Today we introduce you to the inspirational story of Otter, a special needs cat who lives and thrives against all odds.
These Relics of History Are Both Art and War.
A great selection of beautifully made battle helmets from history
10 Items You Should NEVER Buy Used
As much as we'd like to be sustabanle, there are some items you should always buy fresh and new for your safety and health
8 Weird and Wacky Failed Inventions from the Past
Here is a look at some weird and wacky inventions from the past that never quite took off despite their innovativeness.
These Must Be Some of the Most Dangerous Drivers Ever!
There is a minority of drivers that really couldn't care less about the rules of the road, and here are 20 of them that were caught on camera!
It's Incredible to Think How Far Science Has Come...
Here are 10 recent scientific advancements that will blow your mind. What's more is that they provide highly exciting prospects for the future.
Who Doesn't Love Seeing Amazing New Inventions?
Isn't it wonderful when you see a new invention? This list includes no less than eight of them for you to marvel at.
A Hero's Act - Fireman Saves Kitten's life
An act of kindness saves the life of a tiny kitty.
This Video Is Your Adrenaline Dose For Today.
Are you ready for an adrenaline rush? Let's go!
10 Epic Recent Science Breakthroughs You Probably Missed
Take a look at some of the most remarkable recent scientific breakthroughs that you might have missed.
The Throwable Camera - Terrific!
The camera you can throw around and take amazing aerial photos!
15 Times Birds Built Nests in the Most UNUSUAL Places
Some birds build their nests in the most unusual places, such as a mop, a helmet, and even a bag.
I Love Seeing Amazing New Inventions, Don't You?
8 new inventions that I can't wait to have for myself! These inventions are just re-inventions that are simply better than the original.
13 Household Items You Never Knew Had an Expiry Date
Take note. These common household products do go bad.
What Is Flat Head Syndrome and How Can It Be Treated?
An asymmetrical skull shape and flat head in babies may frighten many parents, luckily, the following article will teach you how to treat the problem in time.
6 Things You Didn’t Know about the Vikings
Facts and misconceptions about Vikings and how they shaped European history
The Unbelievable Beauty of the Night's Sky...
These 17 Beautiful Astronomical photos display the most colorful and detailed photos of our night's sky.
Whoa! I Can't Believe Technology Has Gone So Far...
From vending machines that dispense cars to mind-reading sleep devices, these complex inventions will blow any tech-enthusiast away!
16 Jaw-Dropping Archeological Finds
Even if you weren’t a fan of the subject back in school, you’ll love the visual history lesson we prepared for you today.
The Eerie, Spiritual, and Sometimes Fun History of Masks
Let’s get to know some of the most famous masks in history and the civilizations that created them.
Only Grammar Geniuses Will Be Able to Ace This Quiz!
This quiz will test you on the correct use of apostrophes in sentences. Do you think you'd manage to get them all correct?
These Phenomenal Photos Got My Heart Racing!
These Amazing pictures were taken with GoPro cameras. These super-durable cameras allow even amateurs to capture amazing photos with ease.