10 Magical Places to Visit in the Greek Mainland
Get to know the 10 most picturesque towns and hidden villages in Greece.
The Eerie, Spiritual, and Sometimes Fun History of Masks
Let’s get to know some of the most famous masks in history and the civilizations that created them.
10 Insightful Greek Proverbs You've Never Heard Of
Take a look at some common Greek proverbs that are full of wisdom.
History Quiz: Are These Facts, Legends or Myths?
Are these statements historical facts, legends, or simply mere myths? Give this quiz a shot, and see how many you can get right!
How Could Anyone Abandon This Puppy?
This little dog was abandoned on the streets, but was lucky enough to be found by a shelter owner.
Alexander Died Young. But What Happened After His Passing?
Alexander the Great didn't enjoy a long life. But what happened to his empire after his death?
TRIVIA: Test Your Knowledge of the Seven Wonders
How much do you think you know about the ancient Seven Wonders of the World? Take this test and find out.
Ikaria - The Greek Island With the Key to Longevity
The life expectancy on the tiny Greek island of Ikaria is s much higher than the rest of the world. What is the secret of Ikaria's long-lived residents?
Explore the Idyllic Beauty of Sifnos Island in Greece
Take a trip around the beautiful and little-known island of Sifnos, in Greece, with these delightful pictures.
Greek Mythology Is Filled With Fascinating Creatures
Greek mythology is filled with fascinating creatures. Here's a look at a few of them.
Traveling Through the Deepest Canal in the WORLD
In this video, a large ship will attempt to cross this narrow and tall Corinth Canal, and they brought a camera along with them on the ride.
Ancient Greece: A Quick and Fascinating Overview
Want to learn everything about ancient Greece without having to read a book? Here's a quick crash course on the fascinating subject.
So this is How a Day as an Ancient Greek Architect Was!
Travel back in history and learn all about the life of an ancient Greek architect in this video.
These Latin Phrases Will Make You Think About Life
Take note of these beautiful and wise Latin phrases and understand their deep meanings.
The Glory That is Athens in Spectacular Detail...
The beauty of this city hasn't diminished in its thousands of years of history, and to prove it, we take you today to a gorgeous flight above and through this ancient beacon of civilization.
12 Exciting Hollywood Inspired Holiday Destinations
A list of 12 destinations that were used as movie sets and can now be visited
The 7 Oldest Cities on Earth that Still Stand
Many cities have been erected through history, and many have fallen to natural disaster or war. These cities have stood the test of time.
Did You Know these 10 Facts about Alexander the Great?
His father conquered and unified Greece, but he wanted to conquer the world. Alexander the Great was a truly fascinating man.
1300 Years of Medical Nonsense, All Because of This Man
For 1300 years, doctors assumed the body is regulated by four bodily fluids. Who came up with the idea?
Macedonian 3D Artist Puts a Modern Twist on Mythology
Models of ancient gods and figures of myth with a modern twist
Icarus: The Island of Mystic Tales and Great Beauty
The beautiful island of Icaria is waiting for you to visit..
This Video Will Inspire You to Visit Crete
Trust us, after watching this video, you'll want to book a flight to Greece!
Learn All About the Mysterious Antikythera Mechanism
The Antikythera Mechanism, often called the world's first computer, has baffled historians for decades. Learn all there is to know about this fascinating device
10 Recommended and Undiscovered Gems in Greece
Tired of the generic and repetitive trip to Greece? Discover 10 recommended and less-known destinations in Greece.