Joke: The Widow and the Special Words...
This joke begins with a grieving widow at a funeral, when a few men would like to say a few words... literally.
This Joke Starts With an Aroused Widow
A widow is having a hard time consummating a date with a man she's been seeing. As he begins to ask questions, her answers become quite odd...
Joke: The Widow and Her Personal Ad
A lonely widow, aged 70, decided that it was time to get married again. She put an ad in the local paper that read:
Meet the Black Widow – Nature’s Amazing Killer Queen
Black widow spiders are one of the most fascinating creatures of nature but are also quite misunderstood. Find out more about them.
Funny Joke: The Best Man in the World
The story of a perfect man...
Funny joke - Employee of the month
Funny joke
Funny Joke: The Marriage Seminar...
This Joke Starts With a Couples Special Seminar...
Funny Joke: An Understanding With God
This joke begins with a hunter muttering a curse to himself...
Funny Joke: A Marketing Disaster!
You have to know your audience before selling them something...
Oh Madam, It Was Just a Little Switcheroo (Funny Joke)
A woman is incredibly happy with the result of what was done for her husband in the mortuary. Little did she know what the mortician actually did with him...
Funny Joke: The Unexpected Hero
This joke starts with a firefighting hero...
Joke: A Funny Christmas Poem!
Twas the night before Christmas and throughout the substation, Not a deputy stirred, they were all on vacation.
Joke Collection: 30 Funny Poems!
Funny Collection: 100 Jokes For Kids!
Funny Joke: The Chihuahua Guard Dog!
This joke begins with a husband off to find a good guard dog....
Funny Jokes: And then the Fight Started...
The jokes in this collection all have a common theme - how to start a fight with your spouse!
Funny Joke: Giving an Honest Opinion
Some people grow old gracefully, while others fight and scratch the whole way...
Funny Joke: It's All About the Badge...
This joke starts with a clueless DEA police officer...
Funny Joke: The Parrot With the Ominous Warning
A parrot gives an ominous warning to a burglar that just entered his human's house. Despite the burglar's laughter, it's the parrot that has the last laugh.
Funny Joke: Revenge of a Taxi Passenger
This joke begins with a rude taxi driver and a passenger with a vindictive streak...
Funny Joke: Who Was Driving the Car??
What happens to the perfect couple?
Funny Joke: The Salesman and the Farmer's Daughter
You make an omelette, you have to break some eggs...
Funny Joke: The Researcher, the General, and the Question
A young woman is undertaking research about intercourse and includes war veterans as part of her study. The answers she gets are surprising..
Funny Joke: The Heavenly Man Test
The Day of Judgment came, and all the people in the world who were worthy reached heaven, where the heavenly angels divided them into men and women...
These Grammar Jokes Are a Silly & Funny Play On Words!
If you're one to titter at a good grammar joke, then you'll absolutely love the 14 that you can find in this post.