You Need No Longer Suffer from Autoimmune Diseases
Autoimmune diseases are the most common ailments in the world. Conventional medicine suppresses these with strong drugs, but functional medicine cures them!
This Is How to Make Your Eczema Settle Down Once & For All
The truth about eczema is that it can be helped greatly simply with a change of diet. Learn all about the functional medicine approach to eczema.
Catch a Glimpse of the Medicine of the Future
Learn about the scientific innovations that may soon enable the cure of several terrible illnesses, such as Alzheimer's, cancer and blood diseases.
Tasty and Healthy: 15 Herbs That Improve Brain Function
What's common among all the following plants is that each can improve the function of the most important organ in your body - the brain.
The Surprising HIDDEN Functions of Ordinary Objects
Small design details are all there on purpose. Here are a few hidden functions of ordinary objects that will surprise you.
These Bodily Functions Are Beyond Our Power
Do you know why we experience these bodily functions? Find out here!
These Awesome Extensions Add Functionality to Your Browser
These awesome extensions for your Google Chrome or Safari web browser will add a ton of functionality to them. Take a look at them now.
30 Essential Medical Terms For Bodily Functions
The next time you hear a doctor utter something in Latin, pay close attention, as after reading this article, you may understand what it means.
7 Ways to Develop a Child's Executive Functions
What are these executive functions and how can you help your child develop them? You will find all of this in the following guide.
A Fully Functional, Wooden Toy Rolls Royce?!?
This man built a fully functional Rolls Royce replica of wood as a toy car for his son!
Homeopathy: Real Medicine or Hoax? An Explanation.
Find out exactly what homeopathy is and how it works with this fascinating video.
For Effective, Natural Medicine Opt for These Foods
Instead of taking pills for every little thing that ails you, try some natural substitutes that will reduce your dependence on chemicals
The Oldest Medicines That Have Stood the Test of Time
Learn about some fascinating old medicine and general healing practices that have survived for thousands of years.
Breakthrough in Medicine: Real Hope for Amputees!
See the First Man with a Feeling Bionic Hand!
6 Recent Groundbreaking Health & Medicine Advancements
2021 was a great year for medicine. Here are a few key innovations and breakthroughs you might have missed from the last year.
15 Rapid Advancements in Medicine Thanks to 3D Printers!
3D Printers are an incredible new technology and these are 15 incredible uses for 3D Printers that are saving lives and healing people
How Belgium Functioned For Two Years Without a Government
Forming a government in Belgium is so difficult, the country has been operating without one for nearly 2 years! But how is that possible?
Ayurveda - the 5,000-year-old Medicinal Tradition
A light introduction to Ayurveda, a 5,000-year-old Indian medicinal tradition, and a self massage protocol based on this ancient knowledge.
18 Puns That Prove Laughter is the Best Medicine!
These punny jokes will leave you in stitches!
These 15 Powerful Plant Medicines Are Science Approved
The 15 medicinal plants listed in this article all have a whole host of science-backed health benefits.
How Blood Transfusions Changed Medicine Forever
This video tells the story of the 17th century invention that revolutionized medicine forever - blood transfusions
Studying Dolphins May Be Key to Advancing Medicine
Scientists have noticed a strange behavior in red sea dolphins, and they believe this is a form of self-medication. Learn why this discovery is so important.
Connecting Eastern Medicine With Its Western Counterpart
Learn all about the whole body approach to health with this brilliant infographic.
7 Medicinal Uses of Lavender Backed by Science
This fragrant herb has many scientifically-proven medicinal properties for both your body and mind.
10 Animals that Can Function Perfectly Well with No Brain
Everything needs a brain to live, right? Well, not necessarily! Some animals have no brain, yet they manage to survive just fine! Here's 10 of them!