15 Charming Close-Ups of Cold-Blooded Creatures
You've never seen lizards, snakes, or frogs like this before.
Tiny Frogs With Tiny Props - Adorable Photos!
These adorable little animals use leaves and flowers as miniature umbrellas - how cute!
Beautiful Nature: The Tadpole Migration
This is the story of one of the greatest migrations, while also being one of the tiniest ones...
Unbelievable - Optical Illusion Makes Frog Sculptures Jump
This spinning sculpture is an optical illusion that tricks the eyes and the mind into believing that the frog figures are jumping - amazing!
The Biggest Frog Ever: The Origins of Beelzebufo
Learn about the fascinating origins of Beelzebufo ampinga, an enormously large species of prehistoric frog that lived with the dinosaurs.
Here are a Few Frogs With Strange But Fascinating Features
Frogs and Toads will be your favorite amphibious friends after you read about these strange yet interesting four-legged hoppers.
8 Animals That Hibernate During Winter
We have all heard how bears hibernate during the winters. Here are 8 more animals that protect themselves from the cold by hibernating.
These Colorful Animals Come Alive in Gorgeous Photography
Matthijs Kuijper takes photos of brightly colored snakes, lizards, frogs and more. See these gorgeous and careful photos of some of the most dangers, and rare, cold blooded animals out there.
The Unexpected Beauty of the Tiny Frog.
Stunning pictures of a tiny world we rarely get to see up close.