Why Do Buildings Need Foundations?
This visual demonstration shows what happens when you build a house without reinforcing it with a foundation.
Protect Your Home From Cracks and Soil Erosion
Soil erosion can lead to cracks on your home's exterior and interior walls. Read the preventative measures you can take today.
This Buoyancy System Could Prevent Destruction by Flooding
Imagine that in the event of a flood, your home could just securely float above its foundations. The Buoyancy Foundation Project is trying to do just that.
Tutorial: Improving Your Soil's Health Made Easy!
This tutorial will take you on a journey to transform the very foundation of your garden - the soil - without touching your wallet.
How to Lend a Hand During Los Angeles Wildfire Crisis
Thousands of California residents have been forced to flee their homes because of the devastating LA wildfires. Here’s how to help victims.
Words of Wisdom From the Benefactor of the Nobel Prizes
These insight quotes are from Alfred Nobel, the renowned scientist who established and funded the Nobel Foundation
Not Getting Good Quality Sleep? Here's What You Need to Do
Are you getting good quality sleep? These tips will ensure you get a good night's sleep.
I Didn't Know Billionaires Were This Generous!
Billionaires have more money than they could ever spend, so it's no surprise they support charitable causes. But the extent to which they give is mind-blowing!
What Is the Key to Happiness? Pope Francis Has the Answer!
If you've ever wondered what it takes to live a happy life, then Pope Francis has quite a few answers for you.
Funny: This is How Husbands and Wives Really Communicate
Good communication is what keeps a marriage together, but this isn't always possible...
10 Years of Building the 9/11 Memorial. Incredible.
An amazing time-lapse video showing the last 10 Years of Building the 9/11 Memorial,
How Every Country in the Americas Got Its Name
Learn all about the fascinating etymologies of every country name in the Americas here.
Makeup Guide: Choose the Right Colors for Your Skin Tone!
Whether you're a makeup expert or are just getting started, it's important to understand the basics. Start by learning how to match makeup to your skin tone!
Cancer Hazards: 12 Skin Cancer Mistakes to Avoid
These seemingly harmless things may be putting you at risk for skin cancer.
Rare Vintage Photos of Elton John and Friends
Explore Elton John's biography with rare vintage photos of him and fellow music artists.
There Is an Incredible Story Behind These Wildlife Photos
Helle and Uri Løvevild Golman are not only inredibly talented wildlife photographers, they also have an unbelievable story
Crazy! The Worst Things Seen During Structural Inspections
These homes are a disaster! You'll be surprised at how some homes have been built.
Fascinating - Real CIA Experiments of Psychic Powers
There is a US army unit investigating the potential of psychic phenomena. Yes, this is a true story. Learn about their most fundamental experiment here.
Is Liberal Democracy the Best Way to Govern Ourselves?
Dr. Brett Hennig really feels that we should get rid of politicians once and for all. But how would that actually work in practice? Find out in this video.
Read These Words and Put Them In Your Heart...
These words are all on your side - read them and have yourselves a wonderful, peaceful day.
NOT Smelling These 3 Foods Can Be a Symptom of Parkinson’s
If you can't smell these 3 specific foods, you should get yourself checked for Parkinson's.
Venice Is a Major Port, But That’s Not Why It Was Built
Venice is a stunning city and an important trade center, but it began as something very different, a refuge for the local population...
After This Video, You'll Never See the Universe the Same...
This video takes you all the way from the smallest atom to the entire universe in beautiful and colorful graphics!
If Only for a Moment...
Enjoy this glorious story of courage and hope and remember, there are always ways to find light at the end of the tunnel!
This Brilliant Talk Taught Me to Let Go of My Delusions
Isaac Lidksy has had quite an amazing life of success, which he puts down to a stunning realization that blindness gave him. Watch. You won't be disappointed.