Hilarity Ensues When Mad and Foolish Men Make Decisions
These 20 photographs perfectly encapsulate what both stupidity and luck look like as people find themselves in dangerously dumb predicaments
Hilarious: 25 Reasons Women Live Longer than Men!
These photos prove why women outlive men.
Joke: 3 Old Ladies and a Memory Problem!
Two old ladies go visit their friend Mary. They sit down and after a while Mary says: "How foolish of me! I haven't even offered you coffee." So she gets up and gets the coffee.
Why Is This Grandmother Running in the Rain?
This beautiful story has a lot to teach us about dealing with daily problems and worries.
Things We Learned from the Internet - Lovely!
The internet has taught us many things since it sprung up almost 2 decades ago, and here are some of those lessons. Take a look!
These Work Safety Fails Are a Trainwreck of Hilarity!
The foolishness that these workers exhibit is unbelievable but hilarious!
Joke: Father May Object
A joke from the old west
This Is One Story of Forgiveness I Will Never Forget!
This fascinating story about two brothers and the escalation of a foolish argument they had between them teaches us about life and what forgiveness is all about!
Joke: A Lawyer's Accident
This joke unveils the truth about certain people...
A Little Lesson In Humility Goes a Long Way...
A C-130 was lumbering along when a cocky F-16 flashed by...
Gosh, These People are Annoying!
While I'm a people person, I DO acknowledge that there are some people that really annoy me on a daily basis...
This Joke Begins With an Angry Lawyer...
Chef Creates Desserts You Wouldn't Eat at First Glance
Chef Ben Churchill specializes in creating stunning desserts that look like other foods and everyday objects. Take a closer look here!
Oops! She Didn't Really Think That Through (Rude)
This marital joke will make you really laugh!
Hilarious! There's a New Bull in Town...(Rude)
Every kingdom has its pecking order, and it's no different on this bull ranch...
A Lesson in Humility - Funny!
A funny joke with a lesson besides
Joke: The Old Bulls and the New Bull
Three bulls heard the rancher was bringing another bull onto the ranch...
And the Award for the Worst Driver of the Year Goes To…
Car crashes aren’t supposed to be funny. So, why can’t we stop laughing at these ridiculous ones?
Hilarious: This Just May Be Why Building Codes Exist...
20 examples of the worst construction flaws, that will hopefully remind you to hire a professional next time.
Safety Takes a Backseat in These Hilarious Photos
Prepare for some face-palmingly funny safety fails.
This Is Why You Should NOT Reboil Your Water!
It can be tempting to reboil water for your hot drinks. But when ordinary water is over boiled or reboiled, the chemical compounds change for the worse. Learn about it here.
Are You Good At Phrases? Find Out In This Quiz
Some phrases can be quite hard to pick up and memorize, and some people are better at it than others. How good are you at phrases? Find out here.
13 Remarkable Quotes from Frank Sinatra
Being one of the most prominent figures in entertainment in the past century, Frank Sinatra has some remarkable things to say about life, love, and success.
Murder Mystery: Killer Volunteers His Own DNA!
Murder is always awful, and sometimes perplexing, but in many ways this murder is most awful and perplexing of them all. A killer who volunteered his own DNA!
You Won't Believe What This Taxi Driver Was Asked to Do!
When an elderly man got scammed out of his life savings, his taxi driver ended up coming to the rescue. Read the full story here.