The Most Incredible Scientific Breakthroughs of 2014!
Some of the more interesting discoveries in 2014.
IMPORTANT: 7 Stomach Germs You Need to Avoid and How
Guide: Understand what these common germs do and how to avoid them.
Not One for Scatological Humor, but This is Hilarious!
You may not think you'll laugh, but oh my gosh, how you will.
MPORTANT: 7 Stomach Germs You Need to Avoid and How!
The Enemy Within: 8 Common Human Parasites
60% of the world's population are infected by parasites. Here are 8 common ones that could be a lot closer to you than you could ever imagine.
6 Of the Earliest Known Parasites Ever Found
Get to understand and learn about the earliest parasites discovered by scientists.
How Have Desert Animals Adapted to Life? Find out Here!
Deserts are inhospitable places for most animals, but some have fantastic adaptions that allow them to thrive in these harsh environments.
These Body Odors May Suggest a More Serious Problem
None of use like to smell unpleasant, but on certain occasions, we need to look into the cause of an unpleasant odor. Here are 5 you should pay attention to.
Myth or Truth: Is Bird Poop Harmful to Our Cars?
Here's what to do in order to prevent bird poop from damaging your car
The Easiest Way to Clean and Freshen Your Mattress
There are thousands of small reasons to clean your mattress, and one simple way to do so!
15 Things You Never Knew About the Panda Bear
When you hear about pandas, you think big, cute and cuddly, but there is much you might not know about these gentle giants...
What Is Your Stool Telling You? Find Out Here!
Have you ever taken the time to analyse your stool? Its color and shape can reveal an awful lot about your health.
What Is Your Stool Telling You? Find Out Now
This is How Often You Should Change Your Bed Sheets
The majority of us don't change our bed sheets as often as we should, and that can cause serious health issues. Here's how often you should change them.
How to Treat an Obstruction in Your Stomach
Did you know that you can naturally treat gastric obstructions by adding to organic ingredients to your diet?
What You Don't Know About N. Korea...
Some incredible, weird and downright terrible facts about this small but troublesome country.
Do Not Flush These 8 Things Down the Toilet
If you never want to have to pay a hefty price for an emergency plumber, we have a handy list for you today that explains the things you should never flush down a toilet.
Did You Know? Your Pillow Might Be Ruining Your Sleep
Your pillow could affecting your sleep. This article will give advice on when to change your pillow, the best sized pillow and tips for buying a new pillow.
What Are the Effects of Drinking Contaminated Water?
How safe is it to drink contaminated water? Find out here.
Discover the Effects of Drinking Dirty, Contaminated Water
For Effective, Natural Medicine Opt for These Foods
Instead of taking pills for every little thing that ails you, try some natural substitutes that will reduce your dependence on chemicals
Can You Really Get Food Poisoning From a Humble Tea Towel?
If you've seen some alarmist reporting regarding tea towels and food poisoning recently, there's no need to worry. Here's more information on the study.
Meet the Fearless Dog Who Saved Over 100 Koalas From Fires
Read the inspirational story of the dog who was awarded for saving hundreds of koalas from Australia's 2019-2020 bushfires.
WARNING: The Health Dangers of Eating Raw Flour & Dough
Flour is the staple that we can't live without, but most of us do not know that if we eat it raw, we are at risk of falling ill. Read on to find out why.
7 Health Complications that Are Far More Common in Summer
While catching a flu in summer is very rare, there are plenty of diseases that benefit from the heat and humidity of summer.