Has Noah's Ark Been Finally Discovered? Explorers Say Yes
New evidence shows that Noah's ark may have been found in Turkey.
Why You're Smarter Than You Think...
Here are 10 common signs of high intelligence, supported by scientific evidence.
BREAKING: Evidence Shows That There Is Water on the Moon
Find out about the latest research, carried out by scientists from Tohoku University, that seems to prove that there is a lot of water trapped on the moon.
These Pictures Are Evidence That Love Conquers All
Love flows through everyone and everything, and these pictures are a wonderful testament to that. Enjoy these 19 love-filled pictures to brighten up your day.
Was Coco Chanel a Nazi Spy? Evidence Would Suggest So!
Coco Chanel, the founder of the well-known luxury brand, is believed to have been a Nazi spy. Read here to find out more.
Photographic Evidence That Karma is More Kind Than Cruel!
Though we often see karma as a response to bad deeds, there is a good kind of karma that comes to those that perform random acts of kindness
Alzheimer's And Meat Eating: Addressing the Connection
Does eating a lot of meat have a connection to Alzheimer's? We examine the evidence.
These Supposed Aphrodisiacs Are Just a Waste of Money
Many things that are supposed to be aphrodisiacs are actually no such things. Here are 10 "aphrodisiacs" that are nothing more than a waste of money.
The Barefaced Little Liar - Hilarious!
You have to hand it to this little kid, he sticks to his guns no matter the amount of evidence piled up against him!
Did You Know Mars Once Had Massive Waterfalls?
Evidence suggests that Mars once had massive waterfalls that were almost 4km (2.4 miles) long!
The Asteroid That Changed the Face of the Earth Forever
Recently found evidence allows scientists to retract in detail what happened on the day the asteroid hit the Earth and wiped out the dinosaurs
Warning! Drinks That Are Too Hot May Trigger Cancer Cells
The list of cancer-causing agents in our lives is growing by the day, and now hot drinks might cause cancer too. Read more here!
The Lost Seventh Wonder of the World, the Hanging Gardens
We have ample evidence for all of the ancient seven wonders of the world, except for one: the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Did it exist?
The First 3D-Printed Hotel is Already Being Built!
s evidence of this, a groundbreaking project is nearing completion, in which a hotel is being printed, and tourists will soon be able to visit it. Curious to see what it looks like?
The World's Oldest Brewery Could Date Back 13,000 Years...
New research shows that beer may actually be an older invention than bread! Read all about it here...
Joke: I Didn't Know My Wife Hired a Maid
When a man calls his house, an unknown woman answers the phone. It soon becomes evident that he has a bone to pick with his wayward wife...
Joke: It's Always Good to Take Advice From Your Elders
A young man wonders how an evidently rich old man came to be so wealthy. He tells him his story about investing in apples...
The Philosophy of Life Blossoms In This Beautiful Video
What is success in life and in living? A beautiful video.
This New Clinic is Infusing Seniors With Young Blood
Older people are getting blood transfusions from younger people in order to regain their vitality and fight aging. Find out more about this procedure.
What These Incredible Magicians Can Do Will Dazzle You
Prepare to be wowed by what these two magicians can do!
Can This Therapy Be a Natural Solution for Heart Disease?
This natural therapy may protect against heart disease and other major health problems.
This Popular Supplement Has Several Known Side Effects
Fish oil supplements are very popular, but they can cause some side effects and this article lists the most common ones of those
Behold the Card Trick Master!
It's always great to see someone who is a real master in what he does.
You Should Avoid Diet Soda If You Can. Here's Why
Drinking diet soda is actually worse for your health than drinking a fully-sugared soda. There is medical evidence to back this up. Read on for more.
Who Said God Is Not Funny? Hilarious Church Signs!
Although churches are houses of worship, that doesn't mean to say that they can't have a sense of humor! These amazing signs are evidence of that.