Literary Quiz: Do You Know Your Classic Literature?
This quiz is going to test your knowledge of some great western classic novels.
Literature Quiz: Will You Recognize These Famous Works?
Try to fill in the blanks in the titles of the works of world literature in the quiz below, and find out whether you're a literally genius or not!
These Beautiful Lines Have Rekindled My Love of Literature
11 of the greatest, most beautiful and thought provoking lines from famous literary works.
Learn All About the History of the English Language
Ever wondered where the English language came from and how it evolved over time? If so, then this is the perfect video for you!
English Quiz: Define These English Words
Identify and explain the following 15 rare English words.
Literature Quiz: Can You Pick the Next Line Correctly?
This charming quiz asks you to pick the correct line that should follow in these classic children's stories.
English Test: What Do You Remember From High School?
How much do you remember from your English lessons in high school?
Joke: The Plain English Explanation
The man told his doctor that he wasn't able to do all the things around the house that he used to do.
How Far Back in Time Could You Go and Still Understand English?
Languages are born, change, and die. English, we presume, is no exception. So how far back in time could you go and still understand anything...?
Joke: The English Prisoner
An English prisoner of war was held by the Germans...
Will Your English Survive This Quiz?
This advanced English quiz has questions on many different topics of the English language.
The Surprising Link Between English and Sanskrit
Sanskrit is an ancient Indian language, but most people don't know that this archaic language and English have a common ancestor
Hilarious: How Weirs is the English Language?
English is a really funny language, especially when considering how meanings can be changed when punctuation's omitted. Take a look at these 9 hysterical memes.
Joke: The Hilarious Idiosyncrasies of English
English is a funny language, wouldn't you say?
Which Languages in the World Are the Closest to English?
The closest extant languages to English, sample texts and where they are spoken.
There's Simply No Equivalent For These Words In English...
There are some words that simply don't translate from one language into another, and plenty of these words don't actually translate into English. Take a look.
English Quiz: Are These Words Real or Fake?
We're about to challenge your vocabulary in a creative way...
QUIZ: Translate Australian Slang to English
Can you translate these hilarious Australian slang words to common English?
The MOST Shocking False Etymologies in English
If a word's history sounds too good, it probably is.
English Challenge: Complete the 12 Idioms!
Help us complete these 12 incomplete idioms!
English Quiz: Find These Pesky Antonyms!
Your job is to choose the word that is the ANTONYM of that word. We wish you 'terrible' luck!
English Quiz: What is the Origin of These Words?
How well do you think you know the etymology of common English words? Take this quiz and you'll find out!
English Test: Complete the Sentence Correctly!
We really need someone with a good knowledge of English vocabulary to help us complete these sentences.
English Quiz: Spell to Complete the Sentence!
Think you can spell with the best of them?