The Entire Truth About Shock Therapy (ECT)
Electroconvulsive therapy sounds a lot scarier than it is. Here's a video explaining all about it.
Animal Assisted Therapy Can Treat Anxiety and Dementia
Pet Therapy and Animal Assisted Therapy have been proved by numerous studies to be extremely beneficial to the health of elderly people
Can This Therapy Be a Natural Solution for Heart Disease?
This natural therapy may protect against heart disease and other major health problems.
Discover the Many Health Benefits of Massage Therapy
Learn about the different types of massage therapy, each dealing with a different health problem.
The Many Great Mental Health Benefits of Nature Therapy
Ecotherapy, also known as nature therapy, is a wonderful practice that helps promote mental healing. Let’s learn more about it.
How Come We've Never Heard of This Cancer Therapy?
Has this cancer therapy treatment been hidden from us for a century? Or is it one of the biggest medical frauds in modern history?
Dog Therapy Works, and Here's Proof.
Once again, the presence of animals in our lives brings benefit and comfort, and this video is a testament to exactly that.
What is EMDR Therapy, and How Does it Help?
EMDR is a proven technique in treating traumatic memories.
Could Immuno-therapies Treat Head & Neck Cancers?
Be informed about neck and head cancer and the treatments available.
What is Bee Sting Therapy And Why You Should Be Wary Of It
Bee sting therpay has been gaining a lot of popularity lately, but there are a few very important health risks to the alternative treatment
All You Need Today is This Dose of Funny Animal Therapy
Check out this hilarious collection of funny animal photos that will make you chuckle.
What Happens When Cats Go To Therapy? You Laugh a Lot.
This video takes a funny idea and runs with it. Ever imagine what cats would say to a therapist? You're about to find out in the most hilarious way.
Color Therapy: How To Make Your Home a More Joyful Place
The research in color psychology and therapy shows that you can alter your mood by adding color to your home. Here's how it works...
Researchers Claim This Ingredient Can Cure Depression!
A preliminary study has suggested that magic mushrooms may be able to soothe the symptoms of depression. Read here to find out more.
I Never Knew a Llama Can Be a Humanitarian...
The Therapy Llama Visits the Hospital, to brighten people's day.
Doctors Rediscover Old Method That May Help Fight COVID-19
This fascinating medical approach from the 1930's can help treat patients with COVID-19
Prostate Cancer: Some of the Causes and Treatments of the Disease:
Prostate cancer occupies the second place among cancers in men after skin cancer,. This article deals with treatments for prostate cancer.
Multiple Myeloma: New Treatments in the Modern Age
New and innovative Treatments for Multiple Myeloma
Embrace Your Kids' Point of View on Life
Watch 7-year-old therapists conduct couples counseling...
Feeling ConstantlyTired? You May Suffer From Chronic Fatigue
Did you know that millions of people suffer from Chronic Fatigue annually? Read about the symptoms and treatments for this plaguing condition.
Seated Core Workout - Perfect for Seniors and Beginners!
In this video, two physical therapy experts will guide you through a short seated core strengthening workout suitable for seniors and beginners.
The Perfect Seated Core Workout for Seniors and Beginners
Deep Brain Stimulation Could Help Keep Alzheimer's at Bay!
Deep brain stimulation could be used to help keep Alzheimer's at bay. Find out more here!
Amazing! Scientists Reverse Brain Damage in Drowned Girl!
Eden suffered devastating brain damage when she drowned in her family pool. However, scientists have now found a way to reverse it.
Watch a Thai Chiropractor Fixing a Spine With a Hammer!
Thailand is a country that's known for specializing in many different kinds of massages, but would you dare be massaged by a man wielding a hammer?