How to Lend a Hand During Los Angeles Wildfire Crisis
Thousands of California residents have been forced to flee their homes because of the devastating LA wildfires. Here’s how to help victims.
Go Round Back and Do It There, OK Honey? (Hilarious Joke)
When a little girl begins to feel ill in church, her mother instructs her to go around the back and be sick. The little girl seemingly has other ideas...
Meet the Millionaire Businessman Who Buried His Luxury Car
When a Brazilian billionaire announced he was going to bury his Bentley, the whole country went mad. Little did people know that there was more to the story...
Are Your Donations Going Where They're Needed? Find Out
An infographic, showing a comparison between the number of deaths versus the collected donations in the U.S. (in 2014(
Recycling Used Electronics with Creative Style!
A few tips on how to recycle electronics in creative ways that will make you feel good!
Joke: Some People Are Just Never Happy in Life!
Sometimes in life, you just can't get it right in the eyes of people. That's why you really shouldn't try to please everyone...
This Joke Starts With a Boy Wandering In a Hotel
A boy wanders into a dark hotel room, only to find a couple having intercourse inside. Here's what happened next...
This Joke Starts With a Man Spitting & Cussing On a Corner
A man hitches a ride with someone unknown to him, and the driver soon begins to display his crazy driving skills. He drops him off...
Funny: A Rabbi and a Priest Decide to Buy a Car Together
A priest and a rabbi respectively run a church and a synagogue across the road from each other. As a result, they decide to buy a car to share between them.
Joke: In Life, They Say That What Goes Up Must Come Down
A man goes skydiving for the first time, but things begin to go awry as soon as he leaves the plane. Something even more surprising happens...
This Joke Starts With a Man Sitting Next to a Cute Blonde
Blondes have a reputation for not being the sharpest knives in the drawer, but this man soon finds out that you should never judge a book by its cover...
Joke: Mommy, What's All That Thumping?
When a little boy keeps being woken up by his mom and dad's thumping, he begins to ask questions as to why this is happening...
Hilarious: What is Life Like After Death?
Where do we go when we die? These two friends, depending on who dies first, promise to return to let the other one know...
Welcome to Laugh Corner - Single Panel Comics
Dial down the stress as we approach our much-deserved weekend with some humor.
Joke: Wedding Decisions
A bride and a groom are with a pastor finalizing details for their wedding day. The pastor asks them whether they want a traditional or contemporary wedding...
Joke: Similar Problems...
What a coincidence!
Joke: Don't Drink and Jump
A man and a woman are drinking in a bar at the top of the Empire State Building. The man soon makes a startling revelation...
Joke: When the Evangelicals Are On TV
When grandma and grandpa are watching the evangelical preacher on the TV, they try to heal themselves of their ills by touching it. It doesn't go so well...
Joke: The Newlyweds and the Strict Priest...
These newlyweds were asked to do something difficult...
This Hilarious Sign is Gaining Notoriety Around the World...
The Indian Hills Community Center sign in Colorado, USA, has gained a worldwide following thanks to the hilarious puns it displays. Here are 30 of them.
Joke: This Wife Gives a Gift to Her Upset Husband
A couple have an argument at bed-time, so the husband takes himself off to the couch. It isn't long before the wife decides to make amends...
Joke: What Are We Going to Do Without a Camel?
A nun and priest are traveling through the desert when their camel decides to die on them. The conversation soon turns elsewhere...
Joke: HOW Could it Be Worse?
A guy runs into an old school friend on the street. The friend immediately begins talking about his financial troubles...
Joke: The Generous Old Lady
A pastor pleads to his congregation to be generous with donations that day. He soon notices a $1000 bill on one of the offering plates...
Joke: The Weird Letter
A man working at the post office has to go through all the illegible letters when he comes across one from Edna...
Joke: The 160 Year Old Man
A man dies in a car accident and goes to heaven. He's amazed to find that there's a huge orchestra and singing angels to greet him when he arrives...