Customers Like These Make Working in Retail a Living Hell!
Here are 15 of the most outrageous client stories ever told, and some of them are just bound to make you mad!
6 Ways Online Retailers Nudge You Toward Impulse Buys
These tactics are frequently used by retailers to influence your buying choices.
These Customs are Common ONLY in the US
What are the things that seem completely normal in the US but make people from other countries raise an eyebrow?
Joke: The Rudest Customer
A man goes into a restaurant and is seated. All the waitresses are gorgeous. A particularly beautiful waitress came to his table...
Some Places Have Bizarre Wedding Customs...
it isn't really all that surprising that some weddings customs of other cultures might seem bizarre to us, right? Well, it's still a bit weird for me, but boy is it interesting.
Customize Autocorrect Settings on Your iPhone or Android
Tired of your phone sabotaging your texts? This article will teach you to customize your phone's autocorrect settings.
Custom-Painted Vintage Cars of the '50s and '60s
Larry Watson is the inventor of many car-painting patterns you see on the road today. Take a look back on his early works from 1950-1960.
Joke: An Unexpected Customer
A little old lady with blue hair entered a se* shop and asked in a quivering voice
This French Bookstore Makes Customers Part of the Books!
French Bookstore Librairie Mollat has a custom of taking unique pictures of all their customers aligning with various books in the store
Going Abroad? It's Best If You Learn These Customs First!
If you don't know the etiquette and customs of a place you're visiting, you could end up causing offence. This is how you can prevent that from happening.
People Try to Sneak the Strangest Things Through Customs
The agents of TSA encounter numerous strange people trying to smuggle the oddest of items onto planes, like these ones!
Joke: The Chainsaw and the Troublesome Customer
A guy enters a Home depot and tells one of the employees that he wants to buy an electric saw to cut down trees...
Hate Calling Customer Support? You Need to Get This App!
Learn how to use Fast Customer, the app that lets you avoid phoning call centers once and for all!
Stand Out from the Crowd with Unique Custom Clothing and Hairstyles
Custom clothing is an excellent way to express yourself through fashion, and this article will provide you with some terrific tips to do exactly that.
Customize Your Computer to Your Own Needs
Let the computer adjust itself to you! Here are 7 tricks that focus on ease of access and readability you can use to alter your computer experience for the better.
10 Bizarre Contemporary Customs from Across the Globe
Here are 10 truly bizarre local habits and customs around the world that seem super odd to foreigners.
13 Creative Ideas by Grocery Stores to Help Customers
In this post, we have featured some genius grocery stores that impress their customers with their creativity.
11 People Who Took Automobile Customization Way too Far
A collection of funny pictures of over-the-top car modifications
These Coffee Shop Customers Couldn't Believe Their Eyes...
This gag is going to make you wonder: Why aren't they gagging??
8 Smart Safari Customizations Every Mac User Should Know
Here are some of the most effective ways to fine-tune Safari on your Mac.
This Legendary Hat Shop Is the OLDEST in the World!
The oldest hat shop in the world is in London, and it makes custom hats for the English royalty, among other customers. Take a peek inside this legendary shop.
How to Grow Your Business with CRM Technology
CRM technology has completely changed how businesses manage their relationships with customers, make sales, and run their businesses more efficiently.
Funny Joke: Father, Can You Do Me a Favor, Please?
A young lady has just landed on a flight from Switzerland, but she needs some help getting a brand new hairdryer through customs. A Priest helps her out.
Learn to Spend Less When Retails Shopping with These Tips
8 Things retail stores do to try get you to spend more money.
A Quick Thinker - Great Joke!
The advantages of quick wits...