This Joke Begins With a Seductive Wife...
This joke begins with a wife seductively asking her husband a question...
Joke: The Vet and His Outrageous Bill
A woman brought a very limp duck to a veterinary surgeon.
How Much is My Bill Again!? (Hilarious Joke)
A woman takes her motionless dog to the vet, only for him to confirm that he is in fact dead. He employs a special method just to make sure...
Joke: When Bill Gates Goes to Hell...
Bill Gates dies and for some reason goes to hell.
10 Great Tips That Will Really Decrease Your Monthly Bills
Electricity prices continue to rise and our utility bills are starting to get pretty ugly. Here's how you can save o your monthly energy bills.
Joke: The Big Medical Bill
An old woman took her husband to the doctor. The doctor checked the husband's pulse, then told the woman, "I'm sorry, your husband is dead."
7 Tips to Slash Your Retirement Medical Bills
These smart strategies will help you slash your healthcare expenses in retirement.
Bills & Coins Can Be Germ-Ridden - Here’s How to Stay Safe
One of the dirtiest items is one that we all handle all the time - bills and coins. Does physical currency really harbor germs and how can you protect yourself?
QUIZ: Bill Nye Challenges You To a Fun Science Test!
Bill Nye has 10 questions about science for you - think you can answer correctly?
Guide: Stay Warm This Winter Without that Big Power Bill!
21 creative ideas to warming your house without spending additional money.
Watch Bill Gates Warn About the Pandemic 5 Years Ago...
5 years ago Bill Gates spoke in a Ted Talk and warned about a similar scenario to what is happening right now with the Coronavirus pandemic.
Hilarious: I Don't Have Money to Pay My Medical Bill
When a man suffers a heart attack and wakes up in a Catholic hospital, the questioning by the nun looking after him soon turns to his medical bills...
Bill Gates Funds the Development of a New COVID-19 Vaccine
Hopeful news, a new potential vaccination funded by Bill and Melinda Gates has been approved for starting human trials earlier this week.
Save on Electricity Bills with this Cheap & Easy DIY
Safeguard your home against drafts, chills and outside temperatures with this incredibly easy DIY project.
6 Short Stories to Help You Stay Motivated in Life
If you’re feeling down, rather than surf the internet for cat pictures or drowning your sorrows by reading junk, check out these inspirational and powerful Short Stories
Stunning Scrap Metal Animals by the Sculptor Barbara Franc
Barbara Franc is an artist that currently lives in London and has gained fame for her beautiful scrap metal sculptures of animals
Your Shoes and Clothes Will Not Get Old Any More...
These 20 tips & tricks will help you keep your clothes and shoes looking as spotless as can be, so you can beat stains, spills and crumples in no time at all.
Learn How to Create "Hardwood" Floors With Craft Paper!
Hardwood floors are desired by many, but they are usually prohibitively expensive. Use this method to create hardwood-effect floors using brown craft paper!
15 Ways to Use Old Newspapers in the Home and Garden
There are countless ways you can reuse newspapers in your home and garden. Read about these 15 clever tricks, and you'll never throw away your periodicals again!
Joke: The Weirdest Tattoo Request (Rude)
This rude joke begins with a man walking into a tattoo parlor with a weird request.
Money Can Be More Meaningful Than You Think!
Your perception of the dollar bill is about to change.
Autopay Has Its Benefits, but Be a Little Wary of It Too
Automatic payments may be convenient but they have a few risks too.
This Joke Begins With 3 Generals Showing Off...
This joke begins with 3 generals during WWII having an argument...
Joke: The Pickle Factory Worker
When a pickle factory worker finally gives in to his uncontrollable urge, he has no choice but to tell his wife what has happened...
This Pickle Factory Worker Has One Weird Urge (Funny)