Grandma's Remedies for Treating Colds and Nasal Congestion
Nasal congestion and a runny nose are the most distressing symptoms associated with being sick, but the following remedies and tips will ease these symptoms.
Here's a Quick Guide to Instantly Clearing a Blocked Nose
Got a congested nose? Remember these priceless tricks and thank us later!
A Herbal Soup to Clear Congestion and Support Lung Health
This traditional Chinese soup offers natural comfort and relief.
Try These Effective Home Remedies to Unclog Your Ears
If clogged ears are bothering you, try any of these effective home remedies.
WARNING: Do Not Drink Coffee While Taking These Pills
If you are currently taking medications for cold and nasal congestion, it’s very important to read the following information to understand why you should avoid caffeine and what could happen if you don’t.
Got the Flu? Apply Pressure to These 8 Points
Acupressure points are a great alternative treatment for various ailments and symptoms, with cold and flu symptoms being no exception. These 8 pressure points are known for their effectiveness in treating various flu and cold symptoms.
Find Out How to Treat Wheezing At Home With These Remedies
Wheezing is never pleasant for anyone, but you can get rid of it much more easily than you think. Here are 10 remedies for wheezing that you can try at home.
10 Home Remedies That Can Cure a Stuffy Nose
10 remedies to cure a stuffy nose without visiting a doctor.
Is It Possible to Sweat Out a Fever or Cold?
Are you making a mistake every time you're trying to sweat out a cold? In fact, you are, and here is the proof...
Calm a Loud Baby by Massaging These 7 Points on their Feet
From tummy pains to constipation and sinuses, applying pressure to these 7 points will help soothe your baby's ailments.
A Tech Billionaire Has Just Solved Traffic... Or Has He?
Elon Musk is nothing short of one of the world's leading visionaries, and he has now decided to solve traffic. Here is his radical solution to the problem.
Which is Better? A Hot Shower or a Cold One?
What are the benefits of having a hot or a cold shower? Discover the benefits here.
How to Get Better Sleep With a Stuffy Nose
If you want to sleep better at night, even though you have a stuffy nose, these tips and tricks will help you find relief and feel more rested.
A Symptom of Heart Failure May Be Coughing
If you have a persistent cough, it is essential that you check it out, ensuring that it is not heart failure.
This All-Natural Nasal Decongestant Is Super Easy to Make
Getting rid of a blocked nose is easy as 1,2,3 and you'll see why when you click on this post. What's more is that this decongestant is all-natural.
Clear Your Nasal Passage with This Amazing Home Remedy
You don't have to suffer that stuffed up nose all winter, eliminate any congestion with this simple home made smoothie.
Why Are Humans SO Prone to Sinus Infections?
Sinus infections are more common in humans than in any animal species, but why? A strange biological quirk may be to blame...
Fly in Comfort With These 7 Important Sinusitis Tips
Consider these tips and avoid sinusitis next time you catch a plane.
Which Is Better? A Hot or a Cold Shower? Find Out!
Mumbai’s Bold Plan to Build a Coastal Road Over the Sea
India has taken on an extremely ambitious infrastructure project - building an 8-lane highway along the coast. Why is it so expensive and so controversial?
Detoxify Your Body by Keeping Your Lymphatic System Healthy
Your body is designed to heal and find balance, and one of the ways it clears waste and maintains healthy circulation is through the lymphatic system. Stay healthy by decongesting your lymphatic system using these six methods.
This is Why Flying Through China is Such a Nightmare
Think your country's flight delays are bad? Try China, where the airspace system is truly convoluted.
This 10-Minute Brain Exercise Will Recharge Your Brain
Suffer from headaches, migraines, or brain fog? This 10-minute exercise can really help.
10 Amazing Watercraft You Would Love to Drive!
These amazingly cool water vehicles must be so much fun to drive. Check them out.
16 Foods to Get Rid of Hangovers and Flu
Rather than referring to your medicine cabinet as soon as you feel a little ill, you can try any of these 16 foods to make yourself feel better.