7 Things Stress Does to Everybody, Without Exception
Stress is one of the biggest problems we have to deal with in modern life. Here are 7 recent conclusions about stress you should know about.
Everything We Know About Willpower Is Completely Wrong!
Willpower is elusive, but know that it doesn't determine one's path to success, and new studies show that focusing on other things will help you succeed ...
This Message Will Teach Us Not to Jump to Conclusions
This is a message that we should all take to heart...
The Conclusions Drawn From a 75-Year-Long Happiness Study
Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger is the fourth appointed head of the longest happiness study in history. Watch this video to see what its conclusions were.
A Fascinating Look at the Secret World of Bees
This incredible photographer documented the first 21 days in the life of a bee. Listen to his fascinating lecture about the future of bees in our world.
If You Like Dancing and Humor, This One's For You!
Dancing? Check. Humor? Check. A bunch of innocent prank 'victims'? That too!
Small Town America Has Some RIDICULOUS Laws
It’s hard to believe these dumb laws still exist!
30 Baby Pets That'll Add Sweetness to Your Day
An adorable compilation of 30 baby pets.
Learn How Exercise Can Have a Positive Effect on the Brain
One of the most complex structures known to humanity is the brain, and with this lecture, you'll learn how exercise can affect it positively...
Did I just burn my house down? - Hilarious prank!
!One of the most original pranks you'll ever see
Study: Why It's Crucial to Talk to Toddlers
This study sheds light on why it's so important to speak to toddlers and how best to go about it.
Gang of Cats vs Lobster - Who Will Emerge Victorious?
In an epic battle between a bunch of cats and a lobster and fish, who will emerge victorious? The outcome is quite surprising!
How Logical Are You? Test Yourself and Find Out!
90% of people who took this test got it wrong. Do you think you can do better? Give it a go!
WARNING: This Common Heartburn Drug May be Deadly!
Omeprazole is one of the most common heartburn drugs, but according to a recent study it may be harmful..... ...
Should We Let Science Bring Extinct Animals Back to Life?
This question is actual an ethical dilemma. What would happen if we brought extinct animals back into the world?
Could This Drug For High Blood Pressure Treat Alzheimer's?
Many studies have been conducted in the last few years to see if Nilvadipine, a blood pressure drug, can also treat symptoms of Alzheimer's
Cat Parents: You’ll want to Hear about This Breaking Study!
If you have a cat, you'll want to read the surprising findings of this study, which shed new light on their feelings towards you ...
This Version of a Famous Song Brought Tears to My Eyes
If you love the song 'Hotel California,' this a capella version will blow you away. At the 4-minute mark, I was blown away!
Studies Have Shown That Asthma Can Be Treated with Yoga
Many institutions are delving into studies to determine how yogic breathing exercises can improve the quality of life for asthmatic patients
The Full Story of Amelia Earhart and the Nikumaroro Bones
What happened to Amelia Earhart has always remained a mystery, however a new study has now almost certainly established exactly what did.
Warning: This Common Painkiller Can Endanger Fetal Health!
A recent study at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem showed that prolonged consumption of acetaminophen during pregnancy may harm the fetus....
Take Our QUIZ: Are You a Logical Thinker?
The best way to learn logic is by practice. Let's start by trying to deduce the conclusions to these 10 logical problems. Are you one of the few who can pass?
1 Hour a Week: This Workout Will Keep Your Heart Healthy
An hour of anaerobic exercise a week can keep your heart healthy and prevent various heart diseases, according to a new study from the University of Iowa.
Thou Shalt Not Commit These 24 Common Logical Fallacies!
Logical fallacies are errors in reasoning due to a misconception or presumption, which makes the argument invalid. Here are 24 that you should avoid.
Priceless Expert Tips on How to Utilize Your Free Time
In this Ted Talk time management expert Laura Vanderkam offers a few practical strategies to help find more time for what really matters to us