What The Heck is Gluten?
Everything you need to know about the source and effects of gluten.
Almond Flour Bread: The Greatest Thing Since Sliced Bread
almond flour bread is not just a good alternative for people who are trying to reduce carb-intake, it’s also a great solution for people who are opting out of gluten. Here is how to make carb- and gluten- free bread out of almond flour
Is it Celiac or is it Gluten Sensitivity? Find Out Here
In this article we take a look at the subtle differences that exist between celiac disease and gluten sensitivity.
CELIAC DISEASE: A Step-by-Step Guide to Dealing with It
Celiac disease is becoming more and more common. If you suffer from it, here are 10 great tips to help you cope.
It May Not Be the Gluten Giving You Bowel Problems...
If you're having bowel problems that are attributed to gluten, then you should know that what you've been told is likely all wrong. Read on to know more.
Allergic to Gluten? Here are 10 Top Alternatives to Wheat
Wheat has been a part of our diet for many years. However, many people are allergic or intolerant to it. Here are 10 alternatives to wheat and wheat flour.
See a Doctor Immediately if You Experience these 6 Signs
If you experience any one of these symptoms, be sure to book that appointment:
11 Signs You May Have a Food Intolerance
If you are suffering from any of these 11 symptoms, you might have a hidden food intolerance. Read on to find out more.
11 Signs You May Have a Food Intolerance Without Knowing
7 Reasons Why You Should Be Eating Amaranth
Amaranth is a superfood that you should include in your diet. Don't believe us? The following 7 health benefits will soon change your mind!
These Medical Terms Are Often Confused With One Another...
There are many medical terms that are similar to each other, and often refer to the same illness or disease. Here are 18 groups of terms not to confuse.
Which Bread Is The Healthiest Choice for YOU?
Today there are so many healthy and tasty looking bread choices out there. But which are best for your requirements. Here's the lowdown on 6 popular breads.
4 Reasons You Should Add This Ancient Flour to Your Diet!
If you’re interested in cooking with this tasty, hearty grain, here are some of the health benefits you might want to know about.
These New GMO Foods Could Soon be in a Shop Near You!
Scientists are creating new genetically modified foods all the time, and here you’ll find the latest foods that have been designed with the consumer in mind.
10 Hidden Diseases Doctors Find Hard to Diagnose
Even modern medicine has a hard time with these ones...
Burping Too Much? These 4 Reasons Could Be the Cause
Do you burp frequently? Find out the potential cause in this guide.
Vitiligo: How and Why the King of Pop Became White
What is the skin condition known as vitiligo? Is it treatable? Who has it?
10 Most Frequent Misdiagnoses Made by Doctors
In the US, 1 out of every 20 adults are misdiagnosed. Here are 10 conditions that are commonly missed or mistaken for something else!
Ten Things Your Skin Says About Your Health
ten dermatologic oddities worth watching for in yourself or someone you love
10 Serious Diseases You Shouldn't Ignore and Their Symptoms
Be aware of the signs of these serious diseases.
Is Your Back Constantly Hurting? This Might Be the Reason
A list of possible causes for chronic back pain and how to treat them
Vitamin K - Health Benefits, Sources & Signs of Deficiency
This underrated vitamin plays a crucial role in bone health, heart health, and wound healing.
Have You Heard of the Healing Powers of Bay Leaves?
Bay leaves are not only useful for virtually every Mediterranean dish, they also contain several important health benefits.
These 7 Common Food Myths Have Just Been Debunked!
This list of food myths will help you clear the nutritional air on some of the items you consume each day, or don't. We're setting the facts straight!
What Is Your Stool Telling You? Find Out Now
Have you ever taken the time to analyse your stool? Its color and shape can reveal an awful lot about your health.