7 Ways to Save Money on Your Cat!
7 ways to spend less money on your cats and more on yourself.
These Goofy Cats Will Have You Howling with Laughter
Though typically reserved and dignified, cats can be hilarious, bounding across the house chasing after invisible prey.
18 Adorable Cats That Will Turn You into a Cat Person
Cats are often thought of as uncaring and aloof, but this couldn't be farther from the truth.
Conserving Tigers, a Treasure of the Animal Kingdom
It's that time of year where we take a moment to celebrate tigers, all the beauty they bring to the world and how we can help preserve them
23 Cats Prove That Some Felines are Simply Fearless
These cats don't know the first thing about fear, and will tackle just about any other animal.
26 Pictures that Prove We Will Never Truly Understand Cats
Cats seem to be cool and on top of everything most of the time, but they can get extremely goofy, here's proof
Why Do Cats Suddenly Bite Us During Petting Sessions?
How to read the subtle cues your cat is giving you and avoid annoying it.
Test Your Eyes: Can You Find These Hiding Animals?
A fun game of hide and seek with camouflaged animals both large and small
Have You Ever Seen Japan Through the Eyes of a Cat?
These rescue cats have been all around Japan with their owner and have become Instagram stars
Pet Owner? You Should Never Leave Your Paper Unattended
A collection of clips of pets wreaking havoc with paper
Heartwarming: Gentle Pit Bull Raises Kitten as His Child
Video: Bubba the pit bull acts as orange tabby Rue's parent, playing with her and taking care of her
Can’t Pet a Cat without Getting Scratched? Watch This!
Video guide to befriending cats
Cats Are Heartless? Watch What This Cat Does for a Friend
Dog with separation anxiety receives unexpected help from cat
You Won't See Animals Like This Anywhere But The Internet
These animals were born with genetic mutations that make them stunning and rare wonders of nature.
Aww-Inducing Portraits of Cats Taken from Down Under
Professional photographer Andrius Burba took pictures of cats on glass surfaces to hilarious results
How Do You Say "I Love You" in Cat?
The different ways animals show their owners affection
These Vintage Pics of Dressed Up Cats & Dogs Are Too Cute!
It's always great when beautiful vintage photos turn up, but they're even better when they feature adorable dogs and cats all dressed up! Take a look.
These Pets Are Not Just Cute... They're Funny Too!
Our pets aren't just cute! They're pretty funny too!
This Artist Decided to Paint Cats in Each Famous Art Style!
This artist decided to take on the challenge of painting cats in different styles as inspired by famous artists. Take a look.
Who Says That Cats Can't Be Trained? You'll Be Surprised!
Who says cats can't be trained? Watch this adorable performance!
Are Cats Smarter Than Dogs? This Clip Will Surprise You!
Are cats smarter than dogs? Perhaps not! This video will reveal the truth once and for all...
This is the Cutest Clean-Up Crew You'll Ever See!
Everyone should do their bit to keep the planet clean and our pets are no exception. This is the cutest clean-up crew ever!
Pets Versus Vacuums: Who Will Come out on Top?
This hilarious and cute compilation of cats and dogs interacting with vacuums will significantly brighten your day!
If You Own a Cat, Avoid These 8 Common Mistakes!
Most cat owners do their utmost to take care of their feline companions, but we all make mistakes. Here are 8 mistakes cat owners must stop making!
19 Cats and Dogs That’ll Help You Forget All Your Troubles
Whether you're having a bad day or have a lot on your mind, let these 19 cats and dogs wipe out all the troubles and warm your heart!