This is Exactly Why You Should Have a Cat in Your Life
Every single cat owner will agree with the message in this video!
These Poor Little Pets Have Been to the Animal Hospital
These poor little creatures just need loads of love and sympathy from you.
Opposites Do Attract! These Dogs & Cats Are the Proof
Tom and Jerry was great, but as these sweet pictures testify, it was totally wrong when it comes to dogs and cats. In reality they absolutely adore one another.
Watch Out! Your Cat May Be a Ninja in Disguise
You may have one at home!
6 of the Most Heroic Animals You'll Ever Read About
Some animals can serve to inspire us with their bravery, and even keep us from harm. Here are 6 of the most heroic animals you'll ever read about.
Purrricey! 19 Pussy Cats That Cost a Pretty Penny
There are hundreds of unique cat breeds, and some of the purest are extremely expensive. Here are 19 gorgeous but not cheap cats.
Genius! Have You Seen the Latest Simon's Cat?
Simon's cat sure has a thing about wasted food.
Hilarious! This Cat Can't Be Beat!
This joke begins with a very frustrated man and a very smart cat...
These 18 Hilarious Cats Have No Idea How to Be Graceful!
Have you ever seen a cat behaving a little bit peculiar? Here are 18 photos of cats who are just not as graceful as they should be - and all the better for it!
What Do Our Pets Do When We're Out? An Adorable Answer
What do pets do when you're not home? Why, act naughty of course!
It's Time for a Concentrated Dose of Cuteness!
Voted 'cutest photos of the year!'
If You Need a Smile, These Cats Will Supply It!
It's a good day after all. You know why? Because it's Cat Day!
Yay! It's Another Cat Day!
The day of the cat is finally here!
These Cat Models Are Simply Hilarious!
These cats have chosen a modelling as their full-time careers...
Can You Get Through This Post Without Grinning?
It is impossible not to love this series of adorable photos!
A Sweet Moment: Adorable Kids and Loveable Animals
These kids with pictured with animals are going to make your heart melt away...
These Cats Wearing Hats are the Bright Spot of My Day
This is just too adorable...
The Inspired Pet Products You'll Want to Buy Your Cat
You'll want to give your cat a treat with these wonderful products, which are designed to please even the most playful puss.
When Pets and Bath Time Meet, Cuteness Is Sure to Ensue
When pets and water are involved, cuteness is sure to follow.
These Kittens Setting Out on the Prowl Will Melt Your Heart
These toyger kittens discovering the world for the first time are going to melt your heart.
Yay, It's Another Cat Day!
The day you've all been waiting for is here, and it's full of hilarious, adorable and astonishing cats!
There's nothing better than a furry, feline-filled day!
When Your Pet Meets Your Baby For the First Time...
This video is a perfect way to start the day with a smile.
Are You Ready For a Cat Day?
Finally, another day full of cats being adorable, funny and beautiful.
We've got some very funny and adorable felines for you to fall in love with!