Azerbaijani Artist Makes New & Unique Traditional Carpets
Faig Ahmed takes the beautiful and classic carpets from Azerbaijani culture and gives them a dash of contemporary creative design.
Get Rid of These Pet Stains With This Neat Guide
There may be times when our pets have accidents on our favorite carpets, or on the floor. Learn how to remove stains, both old and new, and use home remedies to maintain a clean home.
Banish Carpet Smells with This DIY Carpet Cleaner
Banish smells from your carpet with this fantastic DIY carper deodorizer.
An A-Z of Carpet Cleaning - The Ultimate Guide!
There are so many different kinds of carpet stains that it's hard to know how to clean them all. Here is the ultimate A-Z carpet cleaning guide.
How to Keep Your Carpet Looking Clean and New!
Simple tips and methods to keep your carpet in pristine condition!
These Common Mistakes Can Ruin Your Floors and Carpets!
In this article, we tackle 12 common floor and carpet cleaning mistakes most of us are guilty of and explain what to do instead.
6 Home Ingredients You Can Use to Clean Your Carpet
Got a carpet stain? Forget the dry-cleaners, try one of these methods instead.
Why Are Persian Rugs SO Wildly Expensive?
Persian rugs are a symbol of wealth, and just one of these rugs can cost you thousands of dollars! But why are these carpets considered so outstanding?
Don’t Toss Wax-Stained Items, You Can Clean Them Instead
With these cleaning methods, you’ll forget wax stains were ever a problem, be it stains on your furniture, floor, carpeting or your clothes
Let's Play: Can You Keep The Ball From Dropping?
Play pinball with Santa in this hilarious and fun game.
How to Remove Chocolate Stains from Your Favorite Material
A chocolate stain can be one of the trickiest stains to remove as it’s known as a combination stain. Thankfully, these tips will help!
5 Cleaning Tasks You Shouldn’t Use a Glass Cleaner For
Here's a look at the cleaning tasks you shouldn’t use a glass cleaner for.
Do These Chores Once and Forget About Them for a Year
Are you wasting your time on these chores every day of the week? Don’t. Tackling them once a year is just fine.
This Festival Celebrates Spring In an Original Way.
This Italian festival is unlike any other, and is truly worth seeing.
Incredible Uses for Fabric Softener You Haven’t Thought Of
This article will teach you about 6 innovative uses for fabric softener around your home!
10 Uses for Essential Oils You May Never Have Heard Of
Other than in aromatherapy, essential oils can actually do much more...
Practical Tips on Adjusting a Home to be Senior-Friendly
Take note of these useful tips that will help you make your home more accessible and safe for your life ahead.
8 Ways to Make Your Floors Sparkle Like New!
Not all floors are the same, so you wouldn't expect the same cleaning method to work on them. So here are 8 ways to clean 8 different floor types.
Tomato Stain Removal - a Detailed Cleaning Guide
Here’s exactly how you can remove tomato stains from clothes, carpets, wood, food containers, and even leather.
How to Remove Salt Stains From Fabrics, Shoes & Flooring
Salt stains are more common than you think. Learn to remove them effectively from your shoes, clothes, car interior, and floors in this useful guide.
These Hotel Rooms Are the OPPOSITE of Relaxing
Sometimes when we stay at a hotel or an Airbnb, our expectations aren't met. That would be an understatement for these hilariously bad hotels...
Hard to Believe How Useful Fabric Softener Can Be!
Remove Nail Polish from Clothing, Rugs, and Other Surfaces
Before you toss the stained item in the trash, read this. Chances are, you’ll be able to remove the stain and salvage the stained piece.
Get Rid of Annoying Sunscreen Stains Fast
We show you how to remove pesky sunscreen stains from clothes and furniture in this brief but very informative guide.
9 Unexpected Uses of Your Vacuum Cleaner
Your vacuum cleaner has these unusual and surprisingly helpful advantages.