The Weirdest Cancer Case in All of History
Today, we're looking at the rarest cancer case in all of recorded history!
Do Plants Get Cancer? Yes, From Wasps.
Plants can get cancer, but they can live with it peacefully. Here's how.
How Come We've Never Heard of This Cancer Therapy?
Has this cancer therapy treatment been hidden from us for a century? Or is it one of the biggest medical frauds in modern history?
Incredible Talk: How I Handled My Stage IV Cancer
This inspiring lecture by Kate Bowler is all about surviving life's toughest challenges, overcoming the aftermath, and dealing with people who give false comfort.
8 Thyroid Gland Disorders that Commonly Affect Women
The thyroid is an important part of our hormonal system that regulates metabolism. Disorders in the thyroid could cause weight gain or loss.
This Boy’s Story and Violin Skills Will Bring You to Tears
At the age of 4, Tyler was diagnosed with leukemia and was bullied for it in school. Playing the violin was a way for him to forget it all.
Which Meats Are Safe, and Which Should You Swear Off?
Humans are among the only primates that eat meat as a matter of habit. Does that mean we should stop?
What Are Antioxidants and How Do They Help Us Out?
Can't make heads or tails of antioxidants? This video attempts to explain why they're supposedly good for us.
This Drink Can Reduce Joint Pain, Inflammation and More
Turmeric is a wonderful addition to any kitchen that has many health benefits and can taste great in this golden milk recipe.
These 3 Creepy Animals Can Save Human Lives
Wasps, spiders and cockroaches may be creepy, but all 3 may soon be able to revolutionize medical research.
Eating Yogurt Could Protect You from This Deadly Disease
Yogurt has dramatic effects in reducing polyp growth in men's colons
8 Symptoms Of the Most Common Brain Tumor
Did you know that the most common brain tumor is benign in over 95% of cases?
Anosmia: 8 Severe Conditions that May Cause Loss of Smell
Reasons why you might be losing your sense of smell and how to treat it.
Is Your Back Constantly Hurting? This Might Be the Reason
A list of possible causes for chronic back pain and how to treat them
Nobody Believed These 5 Scientists, But They Were Right
These 5 scientists were shamed and ousted, or rudely ignored, although years later, their "crazy" theories turned out to be true...
Catch a Glimpse of the Medicine of the Future
Learn about the scientific innovations that may soon enable the cure of several terrible illnesses, such as Alzheimer's, cancer and blood diseases.
Learn How You Can Make Your Prostate Cancer-Proof
Learn how you can prevent and cure prostate cancer by following the instructions in this guide.
Chaga Mushrooms: The Superfood That’ll Keep You Healthy
Each year, researchers discover elements of nature that have amazing medicinal properties, such as Chaga mushrooms that can treat a variety of medical symptoms.
New Study: This Is the Enzyme that Can Prolong Life
A new, groundbreaking study has found the enzyme that can slow the aging process and prevent cancer - these are its conclusions ...
Scientists Find Enzyme That Could End Aging and Cancer
Scientists have found an enzyme that they reckon could be used to slow down the aging process and eradicate cancer!
A Virus to Treat Cancer? An Amazing Advancement.
A study which attempted to show that viruses could be delivered to brain tumors has delivered that and more. Find out more here.
WARNING: Birth Control increases Risk of Breast Cancer?!
Some new research has added to the increasing pile of evidence that taking hormonal contraceptives increases your chances of developing breast cancer.
3 Inventions that Improve Upon Our Regular Senses
Check out these impressive artificial organs which are completely changing the worlds of science and medicine for good.
Do We All Carry a 'Cancer Gene'? What Can Be Done.
In this informative TED-Ed video, Michael Windelspecht explains how we all carry a cancer gene.
Warning! Drinks That Are Too Hot May Trigger Cancer Cells
The list of cancer-causing agents in our lives is growing by the day, and now hot drinks might cause cancer too. Read more here!