The Best Free Apps for Free Video Calling!
These great pieces of software and apps mean I can easily call my overseas relatives. Here's a breakdown of the best free video calling apps and software.
Joke: A Call to the Librarian
A librarian is woken up in the middle of the night by a phone call.
Joke: Calling the CEO
A man joins a big corporate empire as a trainee.
Calling for Bravery - So Touching!
A Children's Hospital Performing a Very Special Song...
Joke: Calling Up the Circus
Alex sees an ad in the newspaper that says “Circus Looking for New Talents”. Alex says to himself, “Eh, what the heck. I’m pretty talented.” and calls the circus...
Joke: Calling Up the Doctor
A distraught senior citizen phoned her doctor’s office...
These Are Some Smart Calling Cards!
Smart and Very Creative Calling Cards!
Where Winter Calls Home...
The Most Beautiful Winter Places...
There's a Reason They Call It the Golden Age...
Whoever said getting old isn't fun, just doesn't have the right set of mind. For an excellent example, look no further than these young-at-heart, happy-go-lucky geezers!
QUIZ: What Did This USED To Be Called?
Do you still remember the old terms for things? Prove it by acing this quiz!
You Call These Soldiers? - Hilarious Photos!
Funny Photos of Soldiers in Bizarre Situations...
History Come Calling - Fascinating Photos!
Some really fascinating photos from history capturing terrific moments.
Joke: Mr. President, the Russians Are Calling!
It was 1990 and Mikhail Gorbachev called POTUS Bush to request help with an emergency: "Our largest condom factory has exploded," the Russian President cried. “This is a true disaster!"
This One Begins with a Phone Call to Dad...
When one dad gets an unexpected call from his son at college, some strange developments accrue...
Today's Joke: It Only Takes a Phone Call...
Sometimes a phone call tell you everything you need to know...
Hilarious: This is Why They Call Them "The Golden Years"!
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional. Here are 37 funny pictures of seniors who decided to enjoy life to the fullest and not let concepts like “polite” and “decent” stop them!
With These Apps, You Get Unlimited Calls With Wi-Fi
Check out these great apps that will help you make free calls with Wi-Fi.
What is a Group of Crows Called? Test Yourself!
English has a lot of colorful names for certain groups of animals. Can you guess them all?
Why Is This Asian City Called The “City Of The Dead”?
Take a trip inside the closed city of Ashgabat, the capital of Turkmenistan, which is often jokingly referred to as the City of the Dead.
Joke: Why Are You Calling Me NOW?
What time does the library open?" the man on the phone asked.
These So Called "Facts" are All Lies…
I was shocked to find out that many things we are often told as facts are noting but myths and misconceptions…
When Nature Calls, There's No Stopping It (Funny Joke)
Two women head out on a drunken night out. When they're one their way home, they just need to go, and end up in a darkened cemetery...
Now THIS is What I Call Sand Sculpting!
15 incredible sand sculptures by Janel Hawkins
Hilarious! Mrs Brown Can't Help But Make a Prank Call
Mrs Brown is in the mood for making a prank call.
The Houses We Would All Love to Call Home
A beautiful house is not only a great place to live, it is also a useful piece of art and design...