WARNING: Do Not Drink Coffee While Taking These Pills
If you are currently taking medications for cold and nasal congestion, it’s very important to read the following information to understand why you should avoid caffeine and what could happen if you don’t.
Looking at Caffeine, Shampoo and Rosemary for Hair Growth
Looking at the real research done behind these ingredients helps us see which really help and which still needs more research to know if they are effective on humans.
Is it REALLY the Coffee that Wakes Us Up in the Morning?
A recent study has revealed that the coffee you drink may just be a placebo...
9 Ways to Use Coffee to Make Your Hair and Skin Shine
Caffeine, a familiar component of coffee, can stimulate blood circulation, leading to radiant, healthy, and bright skin.
Should Children Have Caffeine? Here's Our Complete Answer
This article asks: should kids have caffeine, and how much is too much?
Have You Ever Tried Whipped Coffee?
This delectable whipped coffee is the stuff of dreams!
Suffer From Constipation? Consider Chicory Root
Learn about the nutritional value and digestive benefits of chicory, including recipes for meals and a drink!
How to Get the BEST Coffee With a Spice Grinder
If a spice grinder is all you have on hand, here's a three-step hack that will yield a surprisingly professional-tasting cup of coffee.
WARNING! Drinking Too Much Coffee Can Damage Your Brain
Drinking coffee in excess increases the risk of dementia, stroke, and even reduces brain volume.
Scientists Discover a New Benefit of Drinking Coffee
Your coffee drinking habit is healthier than you think. Scientists have recently discovered one more reason to enjoy a daily cup of coffee or two.
Bring Variety to Your Morning With 10 Iced Coffee Drinks
Bring variety to your breakfast with these delicious and refreshing iced coffee drinks!
Coffee Jitters? 7 Ways to Get Caffeine Out of Your System
Had too much coffee and woke up feeling jittery? You are likely suffering from caffeine overdose and these tips will help.
Extreme Medicine: What If You Drank 2 Gallons of Coffee?
In this video, a certified doctor discusses the real case of a patient who was hospitalized after drinking 2 gallons of coffee in just 3 hours.
Are You Drinking Too Much COFFEE? Here’s How You Can Tell
How do you know that you’ve had too much caffeine? It will be useful to look out for the 7 symptoms we list below.
Feel Tired AFTER Drinking Coffee? Here’s Why That Happens
It turns out that the effect of coffee on our energy levels is more complex than we thought. Sometimes, drinking coffee can actually make you more tired...
Here’s Why Italians NEVER Drink Cappucino in the Evenings
Why do Italians only drink cappucino in the morning, opting for milk-free caffeinated drinks in the afternoon hours?
Busted: the Reality of 5 Popular Health Supplements
Not all the famous health supplements these days are genuine. Know more about the reality of some popular weight loss supplements here.
Everything You Wanted to Know About Coffee...
Is coffee healthy? Is it addictive? Is there any way to reuse coffee grounds? Find the answer these question in this coffee themed collection
Study Finds Nicotine and Alcohol, Not Coffee, Harm Sleep
New study finds that alcohol and nicotine have a detrimental effect on sleep quality compared with caffeine.
How Many Cups of Coffee Do You Drink, and Is It Too Much?
How much caffeine can cause adverse effects on your health?
Who Knew a Cup of Coffee Could Cost So Much?
The average cup of coffee can be a daily expense. These cups of coffees can cost you an arm and a leg! But they are worth it!
This Is What Your Brain Looks Like on Both Beer & Coffee
Find out all about how beer and coffee can both help and hinder our mental capacities with this awesome video.
Keep These 6 Foods Away From Your Pets At All Costs
The six foods that you will find in this video should be kept away from your pets at all costs.
Watch: How Caffeine Affects Your Body and Mind
Ever wondered how caffeine manages to get you through a rough morning or keep you awake at night? This video has all the answers!
Stave Off Daytime Sleepiness with a Caffeine Nap
A "caffeine nap" is a great way to keep daytime sleepiness at bay. Learn more about it here!