It's Time to Stop: 6 Tips to Help You Quit Nail Biting
If you have been biting your nails for years and want to stop, these 6 effective tips from experts will help you to quit once and for all.
The Habit of Nail Biting Could Have Many More Consequences
Nail-biting is more than just a gross habit, it can also be extremely bad for your mental and physical health in a number of ways.
Nailing Art - Creative and Beautiful!
The name of Czech photographer Vlad Artazov is well known to all photography fans. His works are full of humor, irony and their execution is great. There are some real gems among his works that really impressed us with their creativity and attention
These Art Pieces Just Nailed It!
Amazingly Creative Art Works Using Nails and String!
13 Natural Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites
To help you alleviate the bites, itching, and swelling simply, it's recommended to try the following 13 methods that will significantly ease your discomfort and allow you to get through the summer safely.
Outlandish Nail Art At Its Finest!
You've never seen nail art like this before...
Banana Splits Mini Bites
Nice Recipe for banana split bites!
These Protein Packed Broccoli & Cheddar Bites Are Delicious
A delicious and protein-packed snack that'll make for the perfect side dish.
12 Skin & Nail Warnings of Heart Health Concerns
These skin and nail signs may indicate heart issues.
Bitter At First Bite - An Adorable Baby First
It's hard to tell if the babies hate or love lemons in this adorable video of firsts!
If Your Nails are Weak and Brittle, Here's How to Fix Them
Got weak or brittle nails? Here are 10 natural remedies to make them stronger.
What Do Brittle Nails Say About Your Health? Find Out!
What do your nails reveal about your health? Find out here!
11 Uses of Nail Polish Remover That'll Surprise You
Nail polish remover does not only do what its name suggests. In fact, it has many other surprising uses, and here are 11 of them.
How to Remove Gel Nails at Home - The Easy Way
This video is going to show you several ways to take off those hard-to-remove gel nails in the comfort of your own home.
These Steak Bites Are Little Mouthfuls of Heaven
These bite-sized pieces of steak marinated in honey are like little pieces of heaven. Find out how to make them here!
Why Do Gold Medalists Bite Their Medal?
This short video explains why gold medalists bite their medals...
The MOST EFFECTIVE Tip for Amazing Hair, Nails, & Skin!
This is the most important skin advice you need to hear.
What Spider Bites Look Like and How to Treat Them At Home
Learn to distinguish dangerous spider bites from non-dangerous ones and how to treat a spider bite at home.
Get Tested If You Find This Little Mark On Your Nail
Your nails can reveal a great deal about your health situation. Here's why you should never ignore a black line on your nail.
Remove Nail Polish from Clothing, Rugs, and Other Surfaces
Before you toss the stained item in the trash, read this. Chances are, you’ll be able to remove the stain and salvage the stained piece.
Which Bug Bites and Are Dangerous and Which Are Harmless?
A list of bug bites and stings which are potentially dangerous and how to avoid them
Should You Worry About the White Spots on Your Nails?
Leukonychia refers to those white spots on your nails. They are very common and have a variety of causes. These are the most common ones.
Nail On the Road? No Problem! Say Goodbye to Flat Tires
Ford Explorer will be the first vehicle fitted with unique tires that seal over punctures
DIY Dog Nail Trimming: Keep Your Pup's Paws Healthy
Why visit a vet to trim your pup's nails? Do it at home with these easy-to-follow instructions.
Alarming! Man Hospitalized With a Bug Bite Had Leukemia
For this Ohio resident, a seemingly harmless 'bug bite' turned out to be something a lot more serious, a truly dreaded diagnosis - leukemia.