Joke: The Widow and the Special Words...
This joke begins with a grieving widow at a funeral, when a few men would like to say a few words... literally.
Joke: This Is What $100,000 on a Funeral Will Get You
A man puts $100,000 away for his funeral.
This Joke Begins At a New York Contractor's Funeral
A Staten Island contractor went to meet his maker following a terrible freak accident. Luckily, he left his wife with a sizable inheritance...
Joke: Three Funerals and a Wedding
A woman makes a new friend at the gym, a beautiful woman. A few months later, she gets a wedding invitation. Excited, she asks her friend if this is her first marriage.
Cheeky Joke: The Best Hand
One night, little Adam walked into his parents’ bedroom to find his dad fooling around with his mom.
Joke: The Best Hangover Ever
Jack wakes up with a huge hangover after attending his company's Christmas Party. Jack is not normally a drinker, but the drinks didn't taste like alcohol at all.
Short Jokes: The Best of Disgruntled Husbands!
These jokes are all about those men who just don't want to be married any more...
Joke: The Best Gunfighter Alive
This young Cowboy in the Old West wanted to be the best gunfighter alive.
Indian Boy Wakes Up At His Very Own Funeral
After being bitten by a stray dog, an Indian teenager was taken off life support, only for him to regain consciousness on the way to his very own funeral!
Joke: The Best Nursing Home
This old grandmother really likes her new home. She just has one problem...
Joke: The Best Bar in the World
Three guys are drinking at a bar and talking about their favorite bars.
Joke: The Best Way to Return a Shirt
I went with a friend to buy a grey cotton sweatshirt...
Funny Joke: The Best Man in the World
The story of a perfect man...
This Joke is One of the Best: Forget Me Not...
Three sisters of age 92, 94 and 96 live in a house together. One night the 96 year old draws a bath...
Joke: Daddy Knows Best!
He's a self sufficient guy so this is a rare occurrence, however finding himself low on essentials he decides there's nothing for it and heads in.
Joke: A Drink Best Served Cold
A man enters a bar and orders a beer. To his delight, he's only charged 1c for it. Similarly, steak dinner is only 4c, but there's a reason for the cheapness...
Joke: Honesty ISN'T Always the Best Policy
Once there was a little boy that lived in the country with his father.
Joke: I'm Sure That This is the World's Best Invention
A soldier, sailor and an airman are discussing what they think is the best invention in the world. One of them mentions a thermos...
HILARIOUS: The Very Best of Classic Blonde Jokes!
Blondes aren't stupid, but these classic blonde jokes are still really funny.
Hilarious: The Best of Little Johnny Jokes!
I'm always partial to a good Little Johnny joke, but when there's a collection of them in one place, you know there'll be people falling about laughing...
Video Joke: How to Choose the Best Password
Today I opened a new email account, I always use the same password: "cabbage". It's easy to remember. But it seems the computer had other plans...
Joke: The Best Excuse You Ever Heard
A great joke with a great excuse...
Ready to Laugh? The Best Senior Jokes in History!
No wonder they call the golden age the happiest time of your life....
Grandpa's Advice is Always the Best (Hilarious Joke)
It's really sad when a family member passes on to the next life, but there's a piece of them that will always stay with us....
Giant Joke Collection: 200 of the Best Puns Ever!
Give yourself some quick and easy laughs with this huge collection of short puns! These punny jokes collection are bound to make you squeal with laughter!