26 Incredible Facts About the Human Mind
The human brain is an interesting and powerful organ, which is why we've gathered 26 interesting facts about exactly how human psychology works.
A Chicken That Behaves Like a Dog - Incredible!
This unusual chicken would have never thought of himself as a domestic animal. In his mind, he was always a beloved pet - just like a dog!
How do Cancer Cells Behave?
what exactly makes a cell cancerous, what starts the process and what it actually means is something important to understand as we deal with this new century's biggest killer.
QUIZ: How Old Do You Behave?
Yes, you might well think you are pretty old by now, but the question is - do you act your age? Take our quiz and find out how old you behave!
15 Bizarre Looking Insects and How to Behave Around Them
This video will introduce you to 15 of the most strange-looking bugs in nature, alongside some tips on how to behave around them to stay safe.
This Horse Behaves Like a Human!
Meet Amerigo, the sassy horse who walks freely in and out of the house.
Why Are These Big Cats Behaving Like Cute Kittens?
Big cats, small cats, it doesn't matter; they are all the same…
15 Times Dogs Behaved Exactly Like Cats and it’s Hilarious
Meet the hilariously cute dogs who ended inadvertently behaving like cats…
The Funny Differences That Exist Between Cats and Dogs
These humorous photos highlight brilliantly the differences that exist between our beloved cats and dogs.
Joke: That's Not It...
A general noticed one of his soldiers behaving oddly....
These Mushrooms Can Be Made Into ANYTHING...
This material can be turned into styrofoam, leather, or even bacon. It is a type of mushroom that can be "programmed" into behaving like a variety of materials.
Actually, Why DO We Have Allergies?
Evolution usually explains why the human body works and behaves the way it does. So why didn't evolution eliminate allergies?
When Animals Misbehave, Hilarity Inevitably Ensues...
It's apparent that animals have just as great a sense of humor as humans do, and this is evidenced by these GIF images of animals behaving badly.
14 Cat Fails That Definitely Won't Fail to Make You Laugh
If you're searching for pictures of cats who have immediately regretted their poor choices, you need look no further. Check out these hilarious cat fails.
Hilarious: Facebook Behavior in Real Life
When you think about it, the way we behave on social media isn't in any way reflective of real life. Read about this man's hilarious experiment.
The Reason Why Children Misbehave Around Mom
The kids were perfectly calm and behaved like angels - until their parents show up. Here's why kids tend to misbehave the most around mom.
If Molecules Were People - Fascinating!
A great way, through fascinating animation, to learn about some of the properties of molecules...
10 Harmful Childrearing Mistakes That Parents Should Avoid
Parenting is the most challenging job in the world and it's natural to make mistakes, but some are more harmful to your children than others...
Why Is This Japanese Island Full of Rabbits?
The Japanese island of Okunoshima is inhabited almost exclusively by rabbits, but why?
Labradors Can be Among the Funniest of Dogs...
Watch as these usually obedient dogs do the craziest things!
Hilarious: These Animals Decided to be Jerks Today
Animals are lovely, but even they have the scoundrels that annoy the rest!
This Elephant Discovered His New Favorite Toy
A short but sweet video of elephants enjoying a game of ball together.
This 82-Year-Old Man Has a Wonderful Pet Duck!
The love of this pet duck to the human who adopted him is undeniable!
12 Rules for Basic Etiquette that Should Still be Practiced
It feels like people forgot the meaning of politeness, well these 12 rules of manners should be read, remembered and acted upon.
Graceful Margay: The Elusive Feline of the Rainforest
Meet the Margay, the most arboreal cat in the world.