A Vaccine for Alzheimer's?
A groundbreaking first-of-its-kind vaccine for Alzheimer’s disease has shown promise.
Understanding How Alzheimer’s Affects the Brain
Find out how Alzheimer's disease impacts the brain and why finding a cure remains challenging.
Flu Shots and Alzheimer’s: Is There a Connection?
Flu shots cannot cause Alzheimer's disease. To the contrary, studies show that they may actually cut down one's risk of the disease by 30%!
Scientist: 'Alzheimer's CAN Be Cured!'
In this informative TED Talk, scientist Samuel Cohen expands on recent breakthroughs in the fight against Alzheimer's and states: 'it can be cured'.
Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s with These Lifestyle Tips
Simple lifestyle changes can prevent the onset of Alzheimer's or dementia.
Alzheimer’s Progression Through Self Portraits
Watch the progression of Alzheimer’s dead ease through periodical self portraits
Probiotics For Alzheimer’s - Can They Help?
Can taking probiotics help slow down the progression of cognitive decline and dementia in older adults?
Two Personality Traits Linked to Alzheimer’s Disease
A large study published recently in the journal Biological Psychiatry found an unexpected correlation between symptoms of Alzheimer’s and two personality traits.
Prevent Alzheimer’s by Using These Expert Techniques
Listen to this expert's views on techniques that the elderly can use to enhance their brain's health.
Alzheimer's And Meat Eating: Addressing the Connection
Does eating a lot of meat have a connection to Alzheimer's? We examine the evidence.
The Herpes Virus Might be a Cause of Alzheimer's!
A study has reignited a controversial theory about what causes Alzheimer's by studying the brains of people from three different brain banks. Learn more here.
Foods That Increase the Risk of Alzheimer’s and Dementia
This article explains which food types and food combinations one ought to avoid to reduce the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's.
Alzheimer's Hasn't Changed Who This Man Loves...
Through his mental illness, this man still managed to love his wife once again.
Worried About Alzheimer's? This Guide Is All That You Need
Learn about the signs, symptoms, and treatment options for Alzheimer's disease in our detailed guidebook.Please visit us here again to check for updates.
Is it True? Can Alzheimer's Really Be Caused By a Fungus?
Dementia is a debilitating neurological disorder. A recent study has found that it may actually be caused by something completely unexpected...
Gum Disease Bacteria Suggested To CAUSE Alzheimer’s
Can a seemingly harmless gum infection cause Alzheimer's disease? As unbelievable as it may sound, those are the findings or a recent study
Everyone Should Know This About Alzheimer's Disease
American neuroscientist Lisa Genova explains how to make your brain resistant to Alzheimer's disease.
Aging and Alzheimer’s: You Must Hear This Lecture
Kim Campbell shares what she learned from her experiences taking care of her husband Glen Campbell since he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's.
Is This New Drug a Revolution in Slowing Down Alzheimer's?
n the ongoing battle against Alzheimer's disease, a new development presents a beacon of hope.
Have Scientists Just Found a Wonder Cure for Alzheimer's?
In 2015, researchers in Australia made a breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer's. Hopefully this year, they will be able to try this treatment on humans.
The Vitamin Breakthrough in Fight Against Alzheimer's
Most vitamin E supplements don't actually give us the right quality of the vitamin. And we need this vitamin to help our brain function. Read on to learn more.
Music Helps Alzheimer's Patient Remember His Family
Ted McDermott suffers from memory loss as a result of his Alzheimer's disease. However, when he sings with his son, his memory remarkably flows back to him.
These Are 10 Tell-Tale Signs of Alzheimer's Disease
In addition to its debilitating effects, Alzheimer's disease has a lot of stigma, therefore a sufferer might find it hard to admit to. Here are the signs.
Alzheimer's FAQ: The 10 Most Asked Questions Answered
These FAQs seek to provide a well-rounded foundation on Alzheimer's disease.
10 Differences Between Alzheimer's and Natural Aging
Our memory capacity changes as we get older but there are some differences between the natural processes and signs of Alzheimer's that you should know...