Hilarious Proof of Genetics in Action? Look No Further...
One of the joys of being a parent is seeing all the little ways that your kids act like you...
I Loved Seeing These Baby-Loving Pets Show Their Affection
Watch this video for guaranteed smiles and happiness!
These Little Cuties Have Little Cuties of Their Own...
These animals bring out their toy counterparts to play!
These Animals Were Getting Cold, So They All Got Sweaters
This is Simply beyond adorable.
The Animals Have Decided Something Today...
You can't go wrong with a few minutes of wearing a beatific smile.
And the Winner of Animal Silly Faces Is...
Who has what it takes, and who will fail in their attempt to create the perfect silly face?
Are These 16 Animals or 16 Balls of Fur?
I think some animals should be issued a warning that they are being a bit TOO cute.
Start Your Day Right With These Cuties!
Is there a better way to start your day? I seriously doubt it.
Yay! It's Another Cat Day!
Finally! Another cat day is upon us!
These Tiny Animals Have Tiny Toys - Adorable!
Tiny Rats and Their Tiny Teddy Bears
Yay! It's a Holiday Cat Day!
It's a special holiday edition cat day!
The Cutest Baby Animals of 2016!
These adorable little animals have recently come into this world to start their own beginning, and aren't they just the sweetest thing!
Things We Learned from the Internet - Lovely!
The internet has taught us many things since it sprung up almost 2 decades ago, and here are some of those lessons. Take a look!
How Would You Draw Love? - Adorable!
These adorable children were asked to draw how they felt about love, and the results are priceless!
A Touching Moment: Holding for Dear Life...
Newly Born Twins Holding On...
Give These Brides (and Grooms) a Bone - Adorable!
Here are some irresistibly adorable photos of dogs and cats all dressed up and ready to say their vows, or should we say, howls!
The Charming Moments of Man and Beast!
The best moments of man and animal.
When Adorable Animals Break Our Heart...
Dogs, cats and other adorable animals make can make us truly happy. But they are also masters of sad, needy look...
New From the Animal Corner!
...The best, most adorable and funny animal photos for the week
Even a Uromastyx Loves Belly Rubs!
One of the cutest things you'll see!
Justin and Jeremy - The Dynamic Twin Duo!
These twins just love their music and dancing - and so will you!
Prairie Dogs and Roomba - Adorable!
Prairie dogs in nature have an instinct to climb rocks, plants and other objects so they can safely check their surroundings...
The Lion Hug and Kiss - Adorable!
If you thought big cats don't feel love and affection, just watch as these young baby lion cubs come give a Park Worker hugs and kisses on his last day with them!
Finally, Another Cat Day!
It's cat day again, when the most adorable felines come out to play!
Adorable Cat Video: From Enemies to Friends
Granted, there are some cats who aren't afraid of the vacuum cleaner, some even like to be vacuumed themselves. But we've never quite seen a cat do THIS before...