The Subtle Symptoms and Warning Signs of Hepatitis C...
Millions of people in the US are unaware that they have hepatitis C. These are the hidden symptoms of this debilitating virus.
A Fun Poem About the Discovery of Vitamins A, B and C
The history of vitamins is closely linked with human exploration of the world. This charming rhyme will tell you the story of vitamins A, B, and C!
This Fruit is 22 Times Higher in Vitamin C Than Lemons
Did you know that rose hips can benefit your body in numerous ways, such as anti-aging, weight loss and chronic disease prevention?
Taking High Doses of Vitamin C Won’t Cure or Prevent Colds
This is how a personal tip from a Nobel Prize winning chemist turned into one of the most widespread medical myths of the past few decades
Vitamin C Cannot Prevent Colds, But It Can Do So Much More
Although vitamin C may not protect you from the flu, it can do wonders for your immune system, heart, skin and the nervous system, and more...
10 Warning Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency You Should Beware
This essential vitamin is important for our overall wellbeing. Are you deficient in vitamin C? Here are the symptoms you should look out for.
Your Guide to Surviving the Hot Summer Nights Without A/C
What to do when you don't want to run the A/C but the night is too hot? Try one of our proven methods, of course!
10 Foods That Add Some Much Needed Vitamin C to Your Diet
We often hear about vitamin C, but did you know just how important it is for your body? Here are 10 vitamin C rich foods you should add to your regular diet.
ABCs of Cows: A For Adorable, B For Bovine, C For Cute!
While cows may not seem like the cutest creatures at first glance, these photographs shows us their cuddly and adorable side.
8 Things You Need to Do With Your A/C to Save on Money
Not looking after your AC properly will decreases the efficiency of your system, meaning you’re losing a lot of money.
How Well Do You Think You Know English?
How good do you think your English is? Try this special English Quiz!
These Old Photos Showcase Some Major Changes in Ireland
The last few decades of the 19th century and the first few of the 20th were periods of major change for Ireland. These photos capture that wonderfully.
A Lesson in Humility - Funny!
A funny joke with a lesson besides
These Multi Portrait Photos Date Back to the Late 1800s!
Back in the early 1900s this new technology, known as 'trick-mirror' photos, were thought to be the future of portraiture.
These Rare Artifacts Are Bound to Take Your Breath Away...
Get ready to check out some of the most beautiful ancient artifacts that have ever been discovered!
QUIZ: Think You've Got a Good Level of English?
Do you fancy yourself to be a bit of a grammar guru? If, so then you might want to give our tricky comma test a try.
A Little Lesson In Humility Goes a Long Way...
A C-130 was lumbering along when a cocky F-16 flashed by...
Discover How to Reheat Any Leftovers in the Optimal Way
Learn the ideal way to reheat any kind of meal with this comprehensive guide.
The Great Comets of Earth Captured in Stunning Photographs
Many comets cross the outer atmosphere of Earth during their journey across the galaxies, and the brightest ones are these Great Comets
Nothing Beats the Beauty of An Ecuadorian Botanical Garden
In the city of Quito lies this stunning botanical sensation, a garden, park, and arboretum that houses the natural treasures of Ecuador.
Can You Imagine Living in Temperatures As Cold As These?
The temperatures are so cold in this Siberian village that your eyeballs can freeze when you step outside. Find out what life is like in Oymyakon, Russia.
Think You've Got a Good Level of English? Find Out Here
10 Great Things Eating Oranges Will Do For Your Health
You’ll be amazed to know that drinking a glass of its juice is more effective than taking a vitamin C supplement! Take a look!
Love Mozart? Here Is Every One of His Amazing Symphonies!
Mozart was composing symphonies since before he could write music notation! Here are all of his genuine symphonies for your listening pleasure.
Enjoy These Delightful Georges Seurat Paintings
Enjoy this collection of delightful paintings by French post-Impressionist artist Georges Pierre Seurat.