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Yoga Exercises to Relieve Muscle Tension

The more our muscles exert themselves during the day, the more our body craves rest - but beyond a night's sleep, there’s another way, full of benefits, to allow our body to receive its dose of calm, and that’s through performing yoga exercises. The following 8 yoga poses you’re about to discover might seem familiar at first, but in fact, each one is presented here in a unique version designed to relieve tired, tense, and sore muscles. So, if you regularly engage in sports, perform strenuous physical activity, or simply feel your muscles are exhausted, we recommend disconnecting from your surroundings for the next few minutes and recharging with renewed energy through the following poses.

Exercise 1: Squat for Ankle Strengthening (Ankle Strength Squat)

Unique Yoga Exercises: Squat for Ankle Strengthening (Ankle Strength Squat)What’s the Benefit for the Muscles? The movements in this pose help to slightly "lubricate" the ankle joints, which tend to wear out due to intense physical activity or sports like running. Additionally, they engage the gluteal muscles and the back of the thigh, whose fitness is important and essential for our daily functioning.
How to Perform? Start by standing with a wide stance, with your feet pointing outward. Slightly bend your knees into a squat position as shown above. Press your palms together and bring them to the center of your chest - maintain as stable a stance as possible. Lift your right ankle and then lower it back down, then lift your left ankle and return it, and finally lift both ankles simultaneously and return them to the ground. Ensure full contact of each foot with the ground to avoid arch strain. Repeat the action 8 times.

Exercise 2: Calf, Hamstring, and Achilles Stretch with a Yoga Block (Calf-Hamstring-Achilles Opener With Block)

Unique Yoga Exercises: Calf, Hamstring, and Achilles Stretch with a Yoga Block (Calf-Hamstring-Achilles Opener With Block)What’s the Benefit for the Muscles? People who spend most of their time standing need their muscles, especially those in the lower body, to be strong enough to efficiently bear their full body weight. This pose allows you to simultaneously release the calf, hamstring, and Achilles tendon muscles while keeping them fit, ensuring stable standing.
How to Perform? Start in a standing position and touch the yoga block (or any stable object) with the ball of your right foot at a 45-degree angle, with your heel securely on the ground. Step your left leg slightly back and carefully bend your upper body forward along your extended right leg, touching the ground. Hold this position for 60 seconds. Return to the starting point and perform the same action with your left leg.

Exercise 3: Cat-Cow Pose with Crossed Knees (Cat-Cow With Knees Crossed)

Unique Yoga Exercises: Cat-Cow Pose with Crossed Knees (Cat-Cow With Knees Crossed)What’s the Benefit for the Muscles? This pose helps relieve significant pressure from the pelvic and lower back areas, improving the spine’s daily functioning. It also slightly releases the joints and provides rest to a worn-out body.
How to Perform? Start in a position where your knees, toes, and palms are simultaneously touching the ground - ensure your shoulders align with your hands, your hips align with your knees, and your palms face the center of your body. Now cross your knees by passing your left knee behind your right knee. Both knees should be touching, and your feet should be apart - forming an X shape. Take a deep breath, carefully arch your back, and lift your head upward (Cow Pose). Then exhale while lowering your head toward the floor and gently rounding your back (Cat Pose). Perform this action 20-30 times, then repeat with the other leg.

Exercise 4: Child’s Pose on Toes (Child’s Pose on Toes)

Unique Yoga Exercises: Child’s Pose on Toes (Child’s Pose on Toes)What’s the Benefit for the Muscles? Every time we stand, walk, or run, it’s ideal for our foot’s contact with the ground to be correct and involve all possible parts. Pulling the toes will allow you to widen the foot joint, release the pressure applied to the arch during daily life, and ensure every step on the ground is stable and healthy.
How to Perform? Start by sitting on both knees with an upright torso, hands resting on your knees. Pull your toes toward the center of your body and rest on them, lean your upper body forward while holding the edges of the mat with your hands, and lightly touch your forehead to the ground. Stretch your body by pulling your hips back and your hands forward. Stay in this position for a few deep breaths and release. Repeat the action 10 times.

Exercise 5: Quad-Psoas Wall Stretch (Quad-Psoas Wall Stretch)

Unique Yoga Exercises: Quad-Psoas Wall Stretch (Quad-Psoas Wall Stretch)What’s the Benefit for the Muscles? The psoas muscle is one of the most important muscles in the body, often called the "king of movement" - located deep in the upper body, it connects the pelvis to the back and thighs, significantly affecting our posture, range of motion, joint function, and core muscle activity. Strengthening this muscle will improve anyone’s stance and is especially crucial for athletes and those engaging in strenuous physical activity.
How to Perform? Start in a lunge position, with your right leg extended forward and bent at a 90-degree angle, and your left knee placed at the junction of the wall and floor, with the entire section from foot to knee touching the wall (it’s recommended to use a mat or blanket between the leg and the ground to avoid knee injury). Place your hands on your right knee and push your hips forward. Then return your hips to their original position. Repeat this action 4-5 times in a slow motion for each leg.

Exercise 6: Shoulder Opener (Shoulder Opener)

Unique Yoga Exercises: Shoulder Opener (Shoulder Opener)What’s the Benefit for the Muscles? During intense physical activity or sports, we need an especially large amount of oxygen, and releasing pressure from the lung area can help improve our breathing. This pose is an excellent way to "open" the chest muscles.
How to Perform? Lie on a yoga mat face down, with your right elbow resting beside you on the ground at a 90-degree angle. Turn your gaze to the left and carefully roll your lower body to the right, lifting your left leg and touching the ground to your right with your left foot. Stay in this position for 5-10 breaths, then repeat the same action on the other side.

Exercise 7: Tabletop Shin Self Massage Saw (Tabletop Shin Self Massage Saw)

Unique Yoga Exercises: Tabletop Shin Self Massage Saw (Tabletop Shin Self Massage Saw)What’s the Benefit for the Muscles? Spending too much time standing, especially during intense physical activity, puts a heavy burden on the lower legs, and this pose will allow you to improve blood flow and bring calm to that area.
How to Perform? Start in a position where your knees, toes, and palms are simultaneously touching the ground - ensure your shoulders align with your hands and your hips align with your knees. Place your right shin bone on your left calf muscle and begin a "massage" by moving it forward and backward while pressing. Repeat this action 3-5 times with your right leg, then switch legs and perform it with your left leg.

Exercise 8: Yoga Toe Stretch (Yoga Toe Stretch)

Unique Yoga Exercises: Yoga Toe Stretch (Yoga Toe Stretch)What’s the Benefit for the Muscles? As mentioned, the toes play an important role in maintaining our stable stance, and their contribution increases when they can utilize most of the surface they’re placed on. The action in this yoga exercise will allow you to stretch your toes, helping them spread efficiently during activity and slightly lubricating the ankle joints.
How to Perform? Sit on the floor in an "Eastern" seated position, lift your right leg and cradle it at the calf with your right hand. Insert the fingers of your left hand between the toes of your right foot and begin a gentle circular motion of the ankle clockwise. Do this for a few seconds, then perform the same action on your left leg.

Source of the images: runnersworld.com

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