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How Much Has Female Gymnastics Changed in 96 Years?

The 2024 Paris Olympics brought with it a host of records and achievements for the world of top athletes. One of the undeniable stars of the event was Simone Biles, the American gymnast and Olympic champion from 2016. After taking a few years off, Biles returned to the competitive stage and came home with three gold medals and one silver medal. The routines she performed were of the highest difficulty level, and that made me reflect about how tremendous an evolution the world of gymnastics has undergone over the years. To see it for yourself, watch the following videos; the first gives us a look at the early female gymnasts, from as early as 1928, almost a century ago, to the incredible, almost super human gymnasts of today. The difference is staggering.

Female Gymnasts from 1928-1968

Simone Biles in the 2024 Olympics, what a change 60 years have made...

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