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7 Exercises to Prevent Shoulder Blade Pain

In today's modern world, it is difficult to avoid using the many technological means that surround us - computers, tablets, and smartphones. These devices can harm our body without our realizing it because of our daily and vigorous use of them. So, along with the great dependence we have on these devices, we are susceptible to various physical injuries starting from headaches and eye pain all the way to dizziness, back, neck, and shoulder pain.

Those among us who suffer from shoulder pain know how intolerable it is and how difficult it is to cope with. Therefore, if you suffer from pain in the shoulder blades, or use so much technology that you’re at risk of suffering from it, it is very important that you familiarize yourself with the following exercises that will ease your pain and help prevent it from coming back again.

1. Release painful points between the shoulder blades

The first thing you have to do is to relieve the sore spots in the shoulder blades and their surroundings. Using a tennis ball you will find the soft spot where you feel the pain and exert pressure on it.

  • Lie on your back and place a tennis ball between your shoulder blades.
  • Find the sore and painful spot, now leave the ball at this point and apply pressure with your body.
  • Hold yourself at this point for about 30 seconds (without moving from side to side or up and down).
  • Find the next sore spot and repeat the action.

2. Stretching the shoulder blades

After we have slightly massaged the area of the shoulder blades and the points of pain, we will move to a stretch that works on rhomboid and deltoid muscles and will help you reduce stress and ease the tension in the shoulder area.

  • Place your right elbow on your left elbow.
  • Take your left hand and intertwine it around your right hand.
  • Pull your left hand toward you until you feel a stretch in your upper back.
  • Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds.
  • Switch hands and repeat the exercise.
Shoulder pain exercises

3. Stretching the trapezoid muscles

You probably don’t keep your back straight throughout the day, the trapezius muscles will often be tense and may radiate pain towards the shoulder area. Therefore, this stretch is very important in order to correct the damage of the position you are in most of the day and to avoid pain in the shoulder area.

  • Stand or sit while making sure to keep your back straight.
  • Place your right hand on the left side of your head.
  • Pull your head toward your right shoulder slowly until you feel a stretch.
  • Hold your head like this for 20-30 seconds and release.
  • Switch hands and repeat the exercise.

 4. Child’s pose

This position helps to relieve and release the enlarged back muscles, thereby reducing the load and allowing free movement to your shoulder blades.

  • Kneel on both knees, and place them close together.
  • Place the toes of your feet on the floor and place your buttocks on your heels.
  • Sit on your heels and lean forward with your upper body (onto your thighs).
  • Place your forehead on the floor, spread your hands forward over your head, and place your hands on the floor.
  • Hold the stretch between 30-60 seconds.
  • After stretching, slowly crawl your hands back bringing yourself back to an upright position and sit on your heels, repeat the exercise 3 times.
Shoulder pain exercises

5. Door frame stretch

This stretch helps release toned chest muscles that may affect your body posture, resulting in pain in the shoulder blades. It is very important to stretch the various chest muscles to help keep your back straight and avoid pain in the shoulder area.

  • Stand in front of a door and place your hands on either side of the frame at a 90-degree angle (as pictured).
  • Step forward with your right leg and lean forward. It is important to avoid leaning forward with your head and note that throughout the stretch your back is straight.
  • Hold the stretch for about 30 seconds, release and switch legs.
  • Repeat the exercise 3 times for each leg.
Shoulder pain exercises

6. Resistance band rowing

This exercise strengthens all the major muscles of the back, including the muscles that affect the shoulder blades - the rhomboids and the trapezius. By strengthening these muscles, you can improve your posture and flexibility.

  • Sit on the floor with your back and legs straight and feet pointed up.
  • Move your resistance band behind your feet and hold the ends with your hands above your knees.
  • Pull your hands back towards your stomach without bending your back or pelvis.
  • When you feel that you have reached the end of your range of motion, gently relax the muscles and return to the starting position.
  • Do two sets of 20 reps.

Shoulder pain exercises

7. Y & W exercise

This exercise is especially good after the previous rowing exercise. The exercise focuses on the rhomboids and lower trapezius muscles which help stabilize your shoulder blades.

  • Stand with your back straight, lift your hands into the air to form the letter Y.
  • Lower your elbows down towards your stomach until the letter W (as in the picture) is formed - and press your shoulder blades down.
  • Be sure to breathe correctly throughout the exercise and repeat it between 2-3 sets of 10 repetitions each time.
Shoulder pain exercises
image source:  backintelligence
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