The continent of Africa seems to be as old as time itself. It's where the first humans emerged from and began to populate the world tens of thousands of years ago. Thanks to this long history, it's inevitable that some very wise words have been spoken on that continent in the time since. Here is a series of very wise African proverbs:
12 Quotes That Reveal Jane Austen’s Wit and Wisdom
These quotes perfectly capture Jane Austen's timeless humor, wit, and wisdom.
15 Beautiful Proverbs Everyone Should Know
This collection of thought-provoking Armenian expressions and proverbs will resonate with you.
14 Inspiring Quotes From Old Hollywood's Top Actresses
Old Hollywood is mostly remembered for the glitz and glamour. But the top actresses of Old Hollywood had some timeless lessons to share...
18 Aldous Huxley Quotes That Changed My Perception of Life
These wise quotes by English philosopher Aldous Huxley will change your perception about life.
Saying No: A Key Buddhist Practice for Inner Peace
Use Buddhism to ignore distractions and focus on what matters.
10 Mistakes You Will Regret in 10 Years Time
We will introduce you to 10 common mistakes that you may regret in the future.
Should We All Be Asking Ourselves These 20 Questions?
If you ask yourself the following questions every week, you'll start seeing an amazing change in your life! All you have to do is just answer them honestly...
If Life Has Taken a Sudden Turn, Read These Words
If you're feeling like your life is at a crossroads, these inspiring words will uplift your spirits.
18 Wholesome Messages Found in Unexpected Street Corners
We found these inspiring street messages that will help lift you up.
Avoid Stress Eating With These Useful Tips
Does stress make you skip meals or eat more unhealthy snacks and foods? This is a very common problem, and here is how you can get rid of it...
Learn 8 Methods Used By Psychologists to Relieve Stress!
Psychologists also experience stress and anxiety, however, they have methods of dealing with it. Learn their methods here!
Harvard Psychiatrist: How to Invest in Your Happiness
A Harvard psychiatrist delves into the importance of maintaining active relationships to foster happiness.
This Gives Us a Lesson That We Should All Take Note Of!
May this video inspire you to keep you candle of hope flickering, despite the losses you may have experienced in life.
Always Think Positively: NOTHING Is Impossible!
Everyone needs to hear this motivational method from time to time.
15 Crucial Signs It's Really Time to Move On
In life, there are key indicators that stare us in the face, letting us know that it's time to move on, yet we still miss them. Watch this touching video.
3 Simple Dietary Recommendations to Reduce ANXIETY
The foods we eat influence both our physical and mental wellbeing. These 3 simple changes in your diet can help you become less anxious in your daily life.
You Won’t Believe How Body and Mind Change Every 7 Years!
Philosopher Rudolf Steiner divided life into seven-year stages, and his conclusions about each stage can tell you a lot about our past and future.
15 Deep and Beautiful Quotes By Women’s Rights Advocates
Let’s zoom in to some beautiful meaningful words of wisdom uttered by famous people who advocated for women's rights and empowerment
Mother Teresa Had a Lot to Teach Us About Humility
We often talk about our pride, but what about our humility? If there's one wise woman who could teach us how to be humble, it's surely Saint Mother Teresa...
Adopt These 14 Habits and Start Enjoying a Better Life!
These14 simple tips and easy habits don't require special effort, but their contribution to your body and mind health is tremendous ...
This Is a Message You Should Only Share with a True Friend
If you have a true friend, share this video with them to let them know that you appreciate them deeply.
These Beautiful Thoughts Set Me Off Into Deep Pondering...
Let these quotes and thoughts fill your mind and heart.
Change Your Life for the Better with These 10 Tips
If you're interested in learning how to change your life for the better, you can start with any of the following 10 tips and gradually adopt them all.
When You Lack Motivation, Listen to Martin Luther King Jr.
The incredible Martin Luther King Jr. speech you might not have heard before.
14 Inspiring Lessons That Can Be Found in Children's Books
These are the life lessons that will be passed on from generation to generation. Do you remember any of them?
10 Great Promises That We Should All Make to Ourselves
Beautiful and touching promises that we should remember to make to ourselves.
These are the 11 Qualities You Need to be Irresistible
Many of us dream of irresistible charmers and if you adopt the following 11 qualities, you can be.
Here's Why Everyone Should Practice Deep Breathing
Deep breathing exercises can help you relax as well as prevent a whole host of illnesses. Read all about how it works here.
10 Powerful Mother Teresa Quotes That'll Make You Think
Mother Teresa was an inspiration to millions. In this video you'll find ten of her most powerful quotes and we hope they inspire you too!
Let Go of the Past With Édith Piaf's Classic Song
Edith Piaf's "No, I regret anything" will help you break away from worries and fears, throw aside all regrets, and take an important step forward.
In These Quotes From Jane Goodall, You'll Find Inspiration
Jane Goodall is an environmentalist and primatologist with a 60 year career and these incredible words of inspiration to share
10 Types of People We All Need in Our Life
Today we will introduce you to 10 types of people that your soul needs, and we will also explain to you where you can find them and who they can be.
Learn About Common Stressful Hardships Among Seniors
Older age comes with a series of hardships, some of which are minor but disturbing, and some of which are very significant..learn how you can help here!
Here's the Truth About Relationships - 12 Myths Debunked!
Relationships and love are things that have always existed in our world, but there are some truths that need to be clarified about them...
Need Inspiration? Ernest Hemingway Quotes Will Do the Trick
Read through these inspiring quotes by Ernest Hemingway.
Regrets in Life Arise When We Ignore These 7 Vital Things
How can you change your perspective and mindset to enhance our experience of life for the better? Find out here.
14 Inspiring Quotes From Old Hollywood's Top Actresses
Old Hollywood is mostly remembered for the glitz and glamour. But the top actresses of Old Hollywood had some timeless lessons to share...
12 Tips to Turn Your Pain Into Wisdom and Strength
with the following 12 tips, you’ll learn how to turn your pain into a source of strength and wisdom.
Find Your Inner Peace By Taking 10 Easy Steps
Achieving inner peace isn't as hard as it seems at first glance. This guide will help you find it by taking just 10 easy steps.
Don't Forget! You Are Special & Unique
Often we can feel worthless, so it's important to be reminded of this terrible falsehood. We are all unique and important people for God. He loves you.
10 Life Lessons Inspiring Us to Stay True to Ourselves
These valuable life lessons ensure that in doing the right thing, we do not sacrifice who we truly are.
7 Tips for Dealing with Depression from a Life Coach
Dealing with depression and heartbreak is not easy, for the sufferers themselves or for their relatives, but the following 7 tips can be very helpful.
Read These Words and Put Them In Your Heart...
These words are all on your side - read them and have yourselves a wonderful, peaceful day.
A Guide for Better Living: 40 Useful Tips!
Collected from all over - this is the blueprint for a good life.
The 10 Most Powerful Words in the English Language
Words have power! How do you use ten of the most powerful words in the English language?
8 Reasons Why Logical-Emotional Couples Have Strong Bonds
A relationship in which one partner is logical and the other is emotional will always work best due to different problem-solving approaches. Here's why.
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