It can be argued that truth is a subjective matter. What may be obvious and clear to me, might actually be a lie to you, and vice versa. It all depends on what you know as being tangible and factual. So how can a human being actually come to know the real truth about something? In the story narrated in the below video, you will understand that there's much more to truth than one may ever come to discover.
This Painter Can’t See, But He Creates Colorful Worlds
John Bramblitt is a blind painter who has overcome stiff odds and became an inspiration to everyone.
This Is One Story of Forgiveness I Will Never Forget!
This fascinating story about two brothers and the escalation of a foolish argument they had between them teaches us about life and what forgiveness is all about!
A Beautiful Story: The Island of Love
What are the things that draw us away from love? Here's a story that will open your eyes to them.
The Fascinating Myth of the Huge-Horned Monster Fūlād-Zereh
The world's ancient history is full of fascinating myths. Read through the Persian myth of Fūlād-Zereh.
This is Exactly Why You Should Have a Cat in Your Life
Every single cat owner will agree with the message in this video!
This Beautiful Story Has a Moral at the End
If you love reading tales or stories that have a moral at the end, then we have got one heck of a treat in store for you!
Heartwarming: Husky Falls in Love With Homeless Person
Watch the heartwarming story of how one dog's love was so strong it got a homeless man donations and changed his life so much for the better.
Love Yourself: 12 Inspiring Quotes for Happiness
Self love an acceptence are important but don't always come easy. We hope these quotes will inspire you and remind you to be a little kinder to yourslef.
10 Life Lessons My Father Taught Me
Mark decided it would be valuable to share advice that originated from conversations with his own father decades ago.
12 Quotes That Reveal Jane Austen’s Wit and Wisdom
These quotes perfectly capture Jane Austen's timeless humor, wit, and wisdom.
This Poem Will Inspire You in Difficult Times...
These beautiful words will help you in your time of need.
10 Sentences That'll Help You Win Arguments
incorporate the following 10 golden phrases into your conversation in order to bring an argument to an end.
A Bit of Wisdom: How to Fix a Broken Relationship
Fighting can lead us to a place in our relationships we never thought we'd be in. Learn how to fix and restore your relationships with these 9 tips!
WATCH: Stop, Take a Minute, and Remember...
If you're going through a rough patch, remember to take a second, breathe and reminisce...
Famous Quotes and Sayings That Are Grossly Misunderstood
The quotes we list in this article are really famous, but most people don't use them right. Learn about the real meaning of these quotes here!
12 Steps For Achieving a Relationship to Cherish for Life
If you take these 12 steps, then you'll have a relationship with your partner that you'll cherish forever more.
These Photos Will Make You Admit That Life Is Beautiful
These photos show us the true beauty of life - one that is filled with kindness and happiness.
These Are the Lessons Life Has Taught Me
Life is a long-term school that teaches us many lessons... it's up to us if we choose to learn...
Beautiful Quotes About Life That'll Certainly Inspire You
This fantastic video will give you all the energy required to face the beauty of life.
10 Things You'll Regret in 10 Years' Time
From the stories and experiences of countless people, we can already know what you might regret in less than 10 years, and you can avoid it if you just know these common regrets and make the right choices today.
18 Beautiful Words of Affirmation to Cultivate Confidence
Here is a collection of 18 terrific words of affirmation that will channel some positivity and motivation into your life!
16 Great Ways to Calm Down Anytime and Anywhere
With the following 16 ways, you can calm yourself down whether you're in the car, at the office, at home or with your kids.
The Conclusions Drawn From a 75-Year-Long Happiness Study
Psychiatrist Robert Waldinger is the fourth appointed head of the longest happiness study in history. Watch this video to see what its conclusions were.
Mental Health: 9 Things You Should Stop Keeping Secret
It's important to know that there's no reason to be ashamed of the following 9 things...
Aging Gracefully Is Within Your Reach - Just Read This
This touching message will enlighten you on how to age with grace and style. Take this heartwarming message on board to enhance your life.
11 of Eleanor Roosevelt's Most Inspiring Musings
Eleanor Roosevelt was an empowered woman with many wise words to share with the world. Here are 11 of her most inspiring quotes.
Today, Get Inspired and Dare To Be...
Today, how are you going to live? These words will inspire you to be your true self!
Don't Forget! You Are Special & Unique
Often we can feel worthless, so it's important to be reminded of this terrible falsehood. We are all unique and important people for God. He loves you.
Calm and Heal Your Inner Self with this Meditation Guide
Meditation has many known health benefits, such as increasing longevity and reducing stress. This very simple guide will help you to begin one of the healthiest routines possible - meditating at home.
These Words from the Dalai Lama Will Open Your Mind
Here are some words from the 14 Dalai Lamas, the foremost spiritual leaders for people everywhere looking for inspiration and enlightenment.
10 Compliments Important to Give the People You Care About
. The 10 small compliments presented here don’t require many words, but they can greatly improve relationships.;
Inspiring: One Day, a School Teacher Had a Brilliant Idea
It's hard to believe that a teacher could come up with a lesson so powerful that thousands of people have been inspired by it. I'll never forget this advice.
The Truth Behind This Song's Words Will Touch You Deeply
Tears in Heaven was written as a father's attempt to fight the most affecting grief any parent could experience. The beauty of this song staggers.
There is a Lot to Learn From the Soul of a Dog...
This beautiful video makes it clear why we love dogs so much.
It’s Not a Myth: Why You Want to Avoid Going to Bed Angry
'Never go to bed angry' turns out to be more than just a hackneyed saying. These are 5 very real reasons that explain why going to bed mad is harmful.
When Times Get Tough, This Poem Will Inspire You to Go On
No matter how tough life gets, find the strength within you to 'Keep On'. This inspiring poem will encourage you to do just that.
The Philosophies of Friedrich Nietzsche in 20 Quick Quotes
The words of a philosopher will always be thought-provoking, and none more so than these observant quotes from Friedrich Nietzsche
My Dear Friend, I Gift You This Friendship Bouquet
Sometimes in life, we fail to see what's right in front of us, and that includes how much we are loved. Watch this video to reinvigorate your appetite for life.
16 Powerful Quotes That Capture the Essence of Karma
These karma quotes offer deep life insights.
14 Inspiring Quotes From Old Hollywood's Top Actresses
Old Hollywood is mostly remembered for the glitz and glamour. But the top actresses of Old Hollywood had some timeless lessons to share...
Helen Keller Fought to Speak And Left Us With These Words
Helen Keller spent her life working hard and overcoming great odds, and used her words, like these quotes, to inspire people everywhere
These Beautiful Quotes Will Bring Peace to Your Soul
Here is a selection of 20 pieces of beautiful and wise quotes, for you to be inspired by and lift your spirits!
How You Choose to Live at Present Will Affect Your Future...
These inspiring quotes will make you realize just how important the choices you make each day truly are.
The Island of Love: A Beautiful Story...
What are the things that draw us away from love? Here's a story that will open your eyes to them.
A Profound Thought About Human Character I'd Like to Share..
What is character? And what is its importance? Here are a few words about character for you to mull over...
These Insightful Quotes Are From India's Greatest Sages
Some of the most spiritual people ever to live hailed from India, and left us with many famous quotes to ponder. Here are 16 quotes from India's greatest teachers.
15 Powerful Anthony Hopkins Quotes to Remember
Read to discover some profound words on life by Anthony Hopkins, one of Hollywood’s most distinguished actors and a living legend.