14 Quirky Inspirational Quotes to Put a Smile on Your Face
Feeling a little down? These humorous words of wisdom will inspire you with a smile.
30 Inspiring Quotes About the Importance of Time
These profound quotes about time will make you grateful for every second.
15 Powerful Pictures That Will Give You Life Motivation
Here are some motivational pictures that will help you get through the weekend.
Sometimesm, the Right Words Can Return Our Balance
Learn to achieve balance in your life and get the inspiration you need from these quotes.
16 Beautiful Words of Wisdom to Brighten Up Your Soul
We hope these beautiful quotes will inspire and motivate you to great deeds and spread kindness to others, too.
Get Inspired by These Lovely Words – 14 Pics
Read these positive and uplifting words of wisdom to get inspired.
My Mom Taught Me These Important Life Lessons...
At times, life can be hard, so we can all use a piece of good advice from time to time. Here are 12 valuable life lessons that my Mom taught me.
Some Quotes Have the Power to Stay with Us for a Lifetime...
An uplifting list of the most powerful quotes from our favorite childhood books.
10 Insightful Quotes By an Inspiring Stephen Hawking
Read through Stephen Hawking's inspiring words of wisdom right here.
The History of the Statue of Liberty and Its Symbolism
The history behind the Statue of Liberty and the poem that has come to symbolize it,
Calm and Heal Your Inner Self with this Meditation Guide
Meditation has many known health benefits, such as increasing longevity and reducing stress. This very simple guide will help you to begin one of the healthiest routines possible - meditating at home.
10 Superb Quotes From Ancient Rome’s Emperors
For your viewing pleasure, we collected 10 precious nuggets of wisdom famously uttered by Roman Emperors.
7 Qualities That Show You Have a Strong Personality
Contrary to popular belief, character traits are something that can be improved and adopted. The following 7 will make your personality much stronger!
Color Therapy: How To Make Your Home a More Joyful Place
The research in color psychology and therapy shows that you can alter your mood by adding color to your home. Here's how it works...
A Bit of Wisdom: How to Fix a Broken Relationship
Fighting can lead us to a place in our relationships we never thought we'd be in. Learn how to fix and restore your relationships with these 9 tips!
May These Words Inspire You as Much as They Did For Me
Truly inspiring! It only takes one person to change the world.
Share This Lovely Message & Wish a Friend a Good Day!
Share these lovely thoughts and wish someone you love dearly a good day!
The Personality Types of Famous People
This infographic shows famous people throughout history and modern times, and categorize them according to the 16 personality types invented by Carl Jung.
Mental Health: 9 Things You Should Stop Keeping Secret
It's important to know that there's no reason to be ashamed of the following 9 things...
Albert Einstein Had Some Interesting Things to Say...
The famous quotes of Albert Einstein, a man who never ceased being a source of inspiration.
The Most Precious Thing in the World Is Not What You Think
To be truly wealthy, you just have to learn how to treasure your friendships.
10 Important Things Our Beloved Pets Teach Us About Life
Our beloved pets offer us the most adorable life lesson you can ever get. Check them out here!
Anger Always Comes Back: An Important Story!
This story will teach you the importance of staying positive and not passing on anger to those around you!
Thes Inspirational Quotes Touch Both Heart and Soul
It's fascinating how a few words can have a lasting inspiring effect on a person. Enjoy this collection of quotes and get a daily dose of motivation.
7 Small Mistakes That Ruin the First Impression You Give
When trying to make personal or professional connections, first impressions do count. Expets advise avoiding these 7 mistakes when introducing yourself.
These Beautiful Thoughts Set Me Off Into Deep Pondering...
Let these quotes and thoughts fill your mind and heart.
Do Your Friends Deserve Thanks? Send Them a Cute Greeting
Your friends are probably your greatest treasure, so why not let them know with a cute and fun animated cards?!
These Beautiful Words of Wisdom Foster Positivity in Life
A little bit of motivational reading goes a long way at keeping your spirits high and your mood on the positive side.
Faced with Their Deaths, These Were Their Last Wishes
We never know when death might come knocking at our door, but it's the inevitable fate of all of us. These last wishes will both make you cry and comfort you.
Hack Your Brain to Get Moving Again: Psychological Tricks
If you’re feeling unmotivated or down, there’s a psychological concept that can push your brain to help you get back on track.
Even in Difficult Times, the Beauty of Gratitude Shines
Even if you're having a bad day, not feeling too good, or just feel dissatisfied with your life in general, you should always remember to be thankful. Here' why
Founding Father Ben Franklin’s Recipe to a Life Well Lived
Tips to a life well lived from Benjamin Franklin's autobiography
Someone is Thinking About You Right Now...
You should share this special message with someone who's going through a difficult time in their life. It will help them and inspire them.
Here Is a Blessing From Me to You, My Friend
May these simple, yet sweet words put a smile on your face.
This Gives Us a Lesson That We Should All Take Note Of!
May this video inspire you to keep you candle of hope flickering, despite the losses you may have experienced in life.
These 3 Daily Choices are Behind 90% of Our Success
By making these choices a daily practice and cultivating healthy habits as a result, we can achieve any ambition that resides within us.
12 Life-Ruining Thoughts We Must Banish Now
You may recognize some of these toxic thoughts, we all have them. This is how to get rid of them.
7 Spirit Animals & Their Amazing Hidden Meanings for You
Learn about some common spirit animals and the deep meanings they may hold in your life.
Feeling Low? Gaining Confidence is the Key to Happiness!
There is nothing quite like these 15 uplifting quotes to get your confidence back and believe in yourself, no matter what the task ahead is.
When You Lack Motivation, Listen to Martin Luther King Jr.
The incredible Martin Luther King Jr. speech you might not have heard before.
12 Wise Quotes About World Peace
The world is in need of peace, and here's a touching way of spreading it. Here are 12 touching inspirational quotes by some of these unforgettable figures.
50 Pieces of Advice That'll Help You Age Gracefully
50 fantastic pieces of advice that will you age with grace and dignity. You'd do well to remember these tips.
Yes, You Really Do Lead a Blessed, Rich, and Lucky Life
To take a moment to step back and consider the wonderful things life bestows will do you the world of good. Here's your chance.
Inspiring! Put on Your Walking Boots & Step Out in Nature
This inspiring video will entice you to put on your walking boots and step out in nature.
11 of Eleanor Roosevelt's Most Inspiring Musings
Eleanor Roosevelt was an empowered woman with many wise words to share with the world. Here are 11 of her most inspiring quotes.
Wish Your Loved Ones a Happy Valentine's Day Card!
Choose from our lovely selection of greeting cards and share your deepest wishes with your friends and family, to celebrate this love-filled time of the year!
How to Deal With Regret in 9 Easy Steps
Forgive yourself and let go of the regrets binding you with these easy steps.