15 Powerful Anthony Hopkins Quotes to Remember
Read to discover some profound words on life by Anthony Hopkins, one of Hollywood’s most distinguished actors and a living legend.
30 Inspiring Quotes About the Importance of Time
These profound quotes about time will make you grateful for every second.
20 Powerful & Inspirational Quotes by Clint Eastwood
These inspiring Clint Eastwood quotes will resonate with you.
16 Beautiful Words of Wisdom to Brighten Up Your Soul
We hope these beautiful quotes will inspire and motivate you to great deeds and spread kindness to others, too.
15 Perceptive One-Liners by the Great Charles Darwin
Here are some profound pieces of wisdom from Charles Darwin, the father of evolution.
These Deep Quotes Will Make You Pause and Think
Read these wise quotes for some inspiration!
A Beautiful Way to Relax is Listening to Allan Watts...
This great talk will give you some great food for thought, and explains why many people often feel stressed out.
Few Words of Wisdom Can Aspire to Those Said by Voltaire
These inspiring quotes by Voltaire will have you feeling enlightened.
16 Powerful Quotes That Capture the Essence of Karma
These karma quotes offer deep life insights.
18 Beautiful Words of Affirmation to Cultivate Confidence
Here is a collection of 18 terrific words of affirmation that will channel some positivity and motivation into your life!
Harvard Psychiatrist: How to Invest in Your Happiness
A Harvard psychiatrist delves into the importance of maintaining active relationships to foster happiness.
6 Sure Signs You Are a Truly Moral Person
It turns out that how you communicate with others and how you react in difficult life situations says a lot about your moral stance.
The Personality Types of Famous People
This infographic shows famous people throughout history and modern times, and categorize them according to the 16 personality types invented by Carl Jung.
Inspiring: This Moral Will Give You Some Perspective
This short tale reminds us that just when we think all hope is lost, there may be a brighter solution.
Learn All About the 7 Ancient Greek Types of Love
We all crave a romantic type of love. But which type of love do you have?
You Can See Inside a Woman's Heart Through Her Tears
The touching words give true insight into the significance of a woman's tear. A man who loves a woman will be able to relate to these touching words too.
These Quotes, Said a Century Ago, are Still True Today
Will Rogers quotes are smart, witty and are most certainly true.
What You Should NOT Say to a Friend With an Ill Loved One
A list of 10 phrases its best to avoid when a friend's loved one is battling terminal illness
7 Qualities That Show You Have a Strong Personality
Contrary to popular belief, character traits are something that can be improved and adopted. The following 7 will make your personality much stronger!
Do You Want to Be HAPPY? Try These Amazing Brain Exercises
If you want to become a much happier person by doing a few simple scientifically-accredited exercises, this article is for you.
Beautiful Story: The Mouse and the Mouse Trap!
This story teaches us that when we help others, we truly help ourselves.
These Beautiful Words Remind Us the Value of Freedom
Here are 17 wise individuals who share truthful thoughts on freedom.
Follow This Advice and People Will Start Trusting You More
This video will show you how to become more trusted in the complex world of today.
Time to Relax: Read and Rest Your Mind...
When writers and philosophers tell you to relax and forget all your troubles, you should probably listen...
Ancient Wisdom: 3,000-Year Old Advice by King Solomon
Tips to live by from King Solomon, from the book of Ecclesiastes
I Have 8 Beautiful Things to Tell You About Love...
8 wonderful quotes about the inspiring emotion of love. We are sure you'll agree with these.
Tales Older Than Time That Can and Will Change Your Life
These 20 short stories come from the great Ancient Greek philosopher Aesop, to teach us valuable lessons on how to live our lives.
May This Beautiful Blessing Uplift Your Spirits
Remember to take a break and enjoy the simple things in life.
6 Effective Rules for Life Optimists Follow
Today, we will try to help you overcome your difficulties and provide you with six detailed rules to help you become more optimistic and happy.
This Method Will Restore Your Control and Improve Your Life
Mindfulness is a theory originating in the far east which can greatly benefit your daily life! Here are five moments and methods in which Mindfulness can help you.
14 Quirky Inspirational Quotes to Put a Smile on Your Face
Feeling a little down? These humorous words of wisdom will inspire you with a smile.
The 8 Ingredients for Einstein's Problem Solving Recipe
We all know that Einstein gave the world a great scientific inheritance, achieved largely through his problem solving skills. Here are 8 of his secrets.
What Makes a Friend True? A Beautiful Answer
These words reminded me what friendship is all about, and how lucky I am to have great people in my life.
Have a Calmer, Easier Life By Following These 10 Tips
Read these 10 points to find a way to an easier, happier life.
When I Heard This Story, My Eyes Were Filled With Tears
A beautiful story that both gladdens and saddens the heart.
Inspiring! Why Letting Go Is the Best Thing to Do...
There are times in our life where our only option is to let go...
How to Get Past Your Worst Memories and Start Healing
Bad experiences are part and parcel of life, but there are ways to diminish their presence in your mind. Here are awesome methods for eradicating bad memories.
Get Inspired Today With These Penetrative Sartre Quotes
Jean-Paul Sartre was one of the greatest philosophers ever to have lived - his unique way of thinking made him famous the world over. Enjoy 12 of his quotes.
These are the 11 Qualities You Need to be Irresistible
Many of us dream of irresistible charmers and if you adopt the following 11 qualities, you can be.
22 Quotes That Will Inspire You to Seize the Day
I hope these meaningful words of wisdom will inspire you to accomplish something incredible, and to seize the day! Enjoy!
14 Agatha Christie Quotes That Will Make You Think
Agatha Chritie gave us some pretty memorable words, as remarkable people often do. Here are some of the most inspiring, introspective and entertaining ones
Inspiring! Why Letting Go is the Best Thing to Do...
There are times in our life where our only option is to let go...
6 Toxic Relationship Habits That Seem Normal
Oftentimes, it's seemingly 'normal' habits that contribute to a toxic dynamic in your relationships. Keep an eye out for these 6 harmful behaviors.
Here's Why Everyone Should Practice Deep Breathing
Deep breathing exercises can help you relax as well as prevent a whole host of illnesses. Read all about how it works here.
After Losing His Wife, Man Writes Tips to Fight Loneliness
90 year old man combats loneliness by keeping himself busy with these helpful tips.
Wonderful Images That Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity
We hope these 17 heartwarming images will brighten up your day and inspire you to be even more kind and loving towards others
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