A famous psychologist once invited a group of her friends to a party at her house. As they were all chatting, she liften a glass of water and started walking with it towards them with a purposful gait.
Everyone stopped talking and looked at her, thinking she may be about to ask them the famous 'glass half full' question.
Instead she asked: "Can anyone tell me how heavy this glass is?"
The guests began to throw numbers, trying to guess how heavy the glass was.
Eventually, their host hushed them and said: "To be honest, it doesn't matter. The weight of the glass isn't determined this way. It is determined by the amount of time I will be holding it! If you I hold it for a minute, there's no problem, and it is light. If I hold it for an hour, it will become heavy, and my hand will be in pain. If I hold it for a whole day, it will weight like a mountain, and I will be numb with pain."
She looked at them and said, as if to each one of them: "The same is true for our problems, fears and worries. If we hold them for a short while, we can handle them, but when we carry them around with us for weeks, months and years, they become as heavy as a mountain.
So remember, put down the glass of water from time to time, and give yourselves a rest."
Image courtesy of: Photostock / freedigitalphotos.net
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