The presentation is accompanied by music.
To start the music click on "play"
One song can spark a moment,
One flower can wake the dream,
One tree can start a forest,
One bird can herald spring.
One smile begins a friendship,
One handclasp lifts a soul,
One star can guide a ship at sea,
One word can frame the goal.
One vote can change a nation,
One sunbeam lights a room,
One candle wipes out darkness,
One laugh will conquer gloom.
One step must start each journey.
One word must start each prayer,
One hope will raise our spirits,
One touch can show you care.
One voice can speak with wisdom,
One heart can know what's true,
One life can make a big difference,
And to me, this difference is
Thank you for being my ONE.
Who makes a difference in your life?
Let them know.
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Some deeds create a ripple that can cross even the distance of years. A beautiful video with an even more beautiful message to us all.
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Although each of us sometimes feels anger or disappointment in ourselves, we almost never remember to forgive. These 7 steps will lead you to this forgiveness..
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The ABCs of Being a True Friend!
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These Perfect Words From Robert Frost Aren’t in Any Poems
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What You See Here First Will Tell You About Yourself
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The Chinese Have a Quote For Everything!
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Second Wind: Finding Purpose and Meaning as We Age
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"The Work" Method – The Key To Ending Personal Suffering
Byron Katie, an American writer and lecturer, has developed a simple method of preventing unnecessary suffering and frustration in life.
8 Effective Tips That Will Help You Solve Any Problem
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10 Compliments Important to Give the People You Care About
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This Profound Story Taught Me the Importance of Gratitude
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These Beautiful Words of Wisdom Foster Positivity in Life
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Here's Some Precious Advice You'll Really Thank Me For...
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Learn 8 Methods Used By Psychologists to Relieve Stress!
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These Quotes Will Inspire You to Be Who You Want to Be
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15 Timeless Lessons from Galileo and Other Great Thinkers
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Saying No: A Key Buddhist Practice for Inner Peace
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6 Toxic Relationship Habits That Seem Normal
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Today, Get Inspired and Dare To Be...
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The History of the Statue of Liberty and Its Symbolism
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9 Hard Truths We All Need to Face Up To in This Life
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If You Feel Like You Can’t Go On, These Tips Will Help
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This Beautiful Story Made Me Think About My Life...
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These Inspirational Quotes Can Help Boost Your Faith
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Restorative Yoga: Health Benefits and 4 Simple Poses
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Being This Thankful Really Makes Your Life Better
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She Left This Letter Before She Died, It Was Heartbreaking
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Harvard Psychiatrist: How to Invest in Your Happiness
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Time to Relax: Read and Rest Your Mind...
When writers and philosophers tell you to relax and forget all your troubles, you should probably listen...