When People Say These 7 Things.... Beware!
If there is a person you suspect is like that, the next time he asks you for something try to notice if he uses one of the following 7 formulations.
The Thoughts That Give Us Strength and Comfort...
Beautiful thoughts and quotes about how to let the past rest, deal with the present - and shape our future.
This Video Has an Important Lesson to Teach Us All...
This video touched my heart and reminded me of what's important.
The 10 Most Powerful Words in the English Language
Words have power! How do you use ten of the most powerful words in the English language?
This Is One Story of Forgiveness I Will Never Forget!
This fascinating story about two brothers and the escalation of a foolish argument they had between them teaches us about life and what forgiveness is all about!
May the Beauty of These Words Stay With You...
When does what we say have weight? How to make our words more powerful? A few beautiful thoughts on the subject.
Avoid Stress Eating With These Useful Tips
Does stress make you skip meals or eat more unhealthy snacks and foods? This is a very common problem, and here is how you can get rid of it...
This Beautiful Story Will Surely Touch Your Heart
This story touched me very deeply, and I know it will do the same for you.
Learn From This Wise, Blind Man How to Really See People
I always thought blindness was a disability, but when I heard Tommy Edison's thoughts about racism, I recalled what Martin Luther King said all those years ago.
This Vast Collection of Lovely Quotes Will Warm Your Soul
If you know and love your quotes, you'll surely enjoy this epic collection of hundreds of beautiful life quotes
Beat Negativity in Life by Doing This One Thing
Negativity is an unseen force that affects us continuously, every day. Life is hard, but negativity only makes it harder. It's time to change your outlook. Watch this.
What You Should NOT Say to a Friend With an Ill Loved One
A list of 10 phrases its best to avoid when a friend's loved one is battling terminal illness
Hack Your Brain to Get Moving Again: Psychological Tricks
If you’re feeling unmotivated or down, there’s a psychological concept that can push your brain to help you get back on track.
These Beautiful Words Remind Us the Value of Freedom
Here are 17 wise individuals who share truthful thoughts on freedom.
You Won't Believe How Much Your Body Parts Say About You
Did you know that there are many body parts that can actually give off messages regarding our personalities?
What Makes a Friend True? A Beautiful Answer
These words reminded me what friendship is all about, and how lucky I am to have great people in my life.
These Quotes By George Orwell Will Make You Stop and Think
These quotes by George Orwell will make you stop and think.
After Losing His Wife, Man Writes Tips to Fight Loneliness
90 year old man combats loneliness by keeping himself busy with these helpful tips.
"The Work" Method – The Key To Ending Personal Suffering
Byron Katie, an American writer and lecturer, has developed a simple method of preventing unnecessary suffering and frustration in life.
14 Quirky Inspirational Quotes to Put a Smile on Your Face
Feeling a little down? These humorous words of wisdom will inspire you with a smile.
How to Deal With Regret in 9 Easy Steps
Forgive yourself and let go of the regrets binding you with these easy steps.
If Life Has Taken a Sudden Turn, Read These Words
If you're feeling like your life is at a crossroads, these inspiring words will uplift your spirits.
15 Deep and Beautiful Quotes By Women’s Rights Advocates
Let’s zoom in to some beautiful meaningful words of wisdom uttered by famous people who advocated for women's rights and empowerment
Thousands of Years Ago, Aristotle Said...
Aristotle was probably the wisest man in history. Why? Well have a look at these 14 quotations and you'll begin to see why. What inspiring and deep words!
The Personality Types of Famous People
This infographic shows famous people throughout history and modern times, and categorize them according to the 16 personality types invented by Carl Jung.
12 Heartwarming Photos of Kittens Before & After Adoption
These heartwarming before and after cat rescue stories and photos show how a loving home can completely transform the entire life of animals!
These are the 11 Qualities You Need to be Irresistible
Many of us dream of irresistible charmers and if you adopt the following 11 qualities, you can be.
15 Beautiful Quotes by Alfred Lord Tennyson, Discussed
In this article, we delve into 15 of Tennyson’s most beautiful and insightful quotes and discuss their meaning.
Nourishing vs Toxic Pleasure: What is the Difference?
Pleasure is an essential part of being human, in fact it's physically important for our health. But not all kinds of pleasure - what is toxic pleasure?
Share This Message with Someone Who Needs to Hear It
So many ways to describe love, allow me to try...
Always Carry Some Hope in Your Heart...
If life feels as though it is falling apart, be strong and never lose hope.
How to Help Those Who Don't Want Help
This article explains the ways to deal with a senior who needs help but is resistant.
I Read These Words to Uplift Myself...
May these beautiful words remind you how precious life truly is.
This Beautiful Story Shows Who the Real Heroes Are
This video touched me so deeply, and I know it will do the same for you. This video brings to light the real heroes of every day life.
Adopt These 14 Habits and Start Enjoying a Better Life!
These14 simple tips and easy habits don't require special effort, but their contribution to your body and mind health is tremendous ...
David Attenborough’s Wisest Quotes About Life on Earth
Read some of the most profound and inspiring quotes by the acclaimed naturalist and broadcaster David Attenborough.
This Video Captures the True Essence of Christmas
This Christmas, remember to show someone that they are loved, no matter how far away from you they may be.
This Dog Was Left on a Deserted Island, Until...
this video will break your heart and then mend it as you see this poor dog being rescued.
This Meditation Guide Just May Change Your Life!
There is a free and effective way to improve your life in a variety of areas, find out how by reading this article....
10 Powerful Mother Teresa Quotes That'll Make You Think
Mother Teresa was an inspiration to millions. In this video you'll find ten of her most powerful quotes and we hope they inspire you too!
There's Nothing Better Than Life Advice From a Dear Friend
Receive the kind of life advice you've always wanted to be given - you will see how it all makes sense.
I Know the Recipe for Happiness: Practice These Habits!
Perhaps the best way to learn happiness is to study the habits of the happiest people. Here are 8 things they can teach all of us.
These Japanese Philosophies are Super Interesting...
Here are some really cool Japanese concepts that can change the way you look at life.
20 Powerful Quotes That Will Uplift Your Spirits
We all have difficult days where the simplest of tasks seem like a huge burden upon us. These 20 powerful quotes will keep you motivated all day long!
10 Short Stories With a Beautiful Message
This collection offers you 10 beautiful and inspiring short stories that shed a light on real-life questions, and serve as a great way to remember what truly is important in life.
Viking Wisdom: Life Lessons from the Norse Legends
Find inspiration in these wise and powerful Viking quotes.
If You Suffer From Depression, We Have Some Awards For You
People suffering from depression are forced to function normally while dealing with difficult challenges, these are the 8 "rewards" such strong people are deserving of.