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The 8 Illusions Keeping You from Happiness and Success

Illusions of all kinds give us pause, either to look at them and understand them or in order to protect ourselves against something unfamiliar or intimidating. However, illusions are not just visible, but they exist in our psyche, and like optical illusions, they can cause our brain to become confused, to stop, and to avoid taking action until they dissipate.

The illusions of life will never fade until you understand them and are able to see beyond them. Therefore, we present to you the eight great illusions that are used as "excuses." It is highly recommended that you see the truth that awaits you beyond them.

1. The feeling of not having enough time to do the things you want to do

This illusion is one of the greatest because it makes us believe that eventually we'll have time later in life. The reason this is an illusion is because time is relative, having one free hour a day can seem as though one has no time to do anything, but to someone else, it can be seen as time to devote to what is important to them. Therefore, the secret is simply to understand what is important to you and what is not, and to put it into your daily routine instead of things that are not important, such as idly watching television or browsing social networks. 

2. Trying to take shortcuts in life

Although it is possible to take shortcuts while walking, when it comes to life this concept does not exist, at least not if you plan on experiencing a happy and productive life. Every goal in life has several milestones leading to it, and only if you pass through each of them will your life go as planned. Try to enjoy the journey to your goal and all of your small achievements, rather than seeing them as wastes of time. In fact, they make reaching your goal all the more satisfying. Taking the longer route will allow you to grow, improve, and develop enough to reach your goal in the best way possible.

3. Thinking that you have control over life

It may frighten you to hear that you have no control over anything in your life apart from your thoughts, but those thoughts will also make you look at things in a positive or negative way. Think of it this way: Your smartphone has access to the Internet, but it does not control the entire network and you can only see and respond to the information in the virtual space – similarly, your existence takes place mainly within your head, and everything that happens around you is not under your control. You can control what you are looking for in real space and how you respond to what you see, but not what happens at any moment.

4. Waiting for happiness from an external factor

As stated in the previous section, your existence takes place primarily in your mind, and everything that changes in your feelings is due to your reaction to what is happening around you. However, many people hope that something will happen in the outside world that will affect their inner feelings for the better, but that is not how happiness works.

You may be temporarily happy and even ecstatic if you win the lottery, but if you don’t know how to manage your feelings properly, the large sum of money can also be a heavy burden which will be a source of suffering - suddenly you’ll fear being robbed or losing all the money. So, each situation can bring with it positive and negative thoughts, and you must simply decide that you want to be happy in order to be happy - it will come with time as long as you decide that you want IT, and not something that will bring it.

life's illusions

5. Attempting to control other people

The human psyche is often afraid of any kind of change since a regular routine keeps us confident that bad things won’t happen to us, even if our situation is not positive – if we’ve been able to manage so far, we’ll probably be able to manage going forward. So when you try to change other people who have become unconsciously accustomed to a particular behavior or routine, you can expect some resistance on their part. They may know that they have to change, but it is mentally difficult for them to even begin thinking about the process.

Moreover, the change you try to apply to another person probably applies to your values, but not necessarily to their values, so you must understand that you can’t change other people, but you can change the way you see them. If you understand their motives and have open conversations about things that bother you, you can change your perspective, and you will also see a change in others without them actually changing - the real change has taken place in you.

6. Waiting for a source of inspiration or energy

You may want to do something but you are waiting for the right moment, for example being inspired to write or motivated to exercise. Ironically, waiting for an external source of inspiration or motivation creates a vicious cycle that never ends, where those external elements are reluctant to arrive because they come only through an action that begins with you!

The process of writing itself is what inspires the writer, and exercising is what provides motivation. If you’ve done these things in the past you probably already know the feelings that come with them, sitting five minutes in front of a writing page stretches over hours and exhausting exercise makes you more alert and energetic. Do not wait for an external source to arrive, because it won’t. Remember that the change in the way you feel begins only within you.

life's illusions

7. Believing that failure is a final and undesirable stage

Failure only exists if you want to achieve something and can’t achieve it, but its definition depends only on how we relate to it. Failure is not necessarily a bad thing, rather, it’s like a dead end in the maze- if you navigate a maze and hit a lot of dead ends, you’ll eventually start to map it out and understand where you stand and how to get out. Therefore, every failure you experience tells you about a stage or something in your path that is not right, so you have to take a step back and correct it. Life itself is a big maze, and our failures can hurt our sense of success, but they help us reach it as long as we learn from them.

8. Feeling that you are not good enough to succeed

According to psychologist and writer Susan Jeffers, the feeling that we are not good enough for something is the basis of all our fears; We fear our death because we do not know whether we will be satisfied with our lives when that moment comes, and also the death of our loved ones, because of fear that we won’t be able to cope with this situation.

These are extreme examples of the fundamental fears that exist in every person's life, but this also happens with any other fear, and there is a little test that can help you know whether you’ll be able to deal with a situation well or not: Just ask yourself if you are already in a situation that you think you can’t handle – if the answer is yes, then that means you can get through it.

You’ll never need to carry more than you can hold because you already carry the heavy sense of fear, and if you want to relieve yourself, give up that fear. You may need to lean on others sometimes, but your friends and family are part of the toolbox that makes you capable of dealing with everything in the right way.

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