We may not always think the world is fair. There are many times when life gets us down, and even though it may feel as though sometimes people are out to get you, there are plenty more who would help if you stumbled. These 21 random acts of kindness show how complete strangers help others in need for no reason at all. As you scroll down, it may become clear that the world is not as bad as some people make it out to be. |
1. This kind college student helped out an older woman who needed to sit down. |
2. This woman bought two meals at a street vendor and gave this man one of the meals. She introduced herself and talked to him about his life. |
3. This person desperately needed tires and got the surprise of a lifetime. |
4. Cameron Lyle was a track star. He trained for eight years, competing was his passion. Just before his last competition, he quit so that he could donate bone marrow to a man with leukemia. |
5. This store owner helped people without power during Hurricane Sandy. |
6. This stranger helped a couple expecting a baby during Hurricane Sandy. |
7. A train station full of people push against a train to help rescue someone who fell in the gap. |
8. This motorcyclist pulled over to help an elderly woman cross the street. |
9. When a diamond ring was accidentally dropped into this panhandler's cup, he made sure to get it back to its owner. In return, the owner of the ring helped raise money to get the honest man back on his feet. |
10. During harsh weather, this police officer bought boots for a homeless man. |
11. This athlete helped her opponent cross the finish line when she became injured in a race. |
12. During a protest in Brazil, this police officer asked the protestors not to fight on his birthday. He was gifted with a huge surprise instead. |
13. After work, this man hands out uneaten bagels to the needy on the street. |
14. When two high school kids decided to dine and dash at Denny's restaurant, their server started crying, knowing that it was going to come out of her paycheck. But a kind stranger decided to pay her bill. |
15. A firefighter made sure that this little kitten was okay. |
16. During a flood, this man risked his life to save these kittens. |
17. A child came up with the idea to install a refrigerator where people could leave food for those who need it. |
18. When these kids saw that a puppy was in danger, they didn't hesitate to help out. |
19. This is how this Subway restaurant decided to help feed the homeless. |
20. This restaurant didn't charge this family for their meal after hearing that their house had recently burned down. |
21. These guys went out of their way to rescue a sheep in Ireland. |
Source: viralnova.com |
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